Bills proposed in Hawaii legislature to decriminalize marijuana, decrease punishment

A pair of bills have been introduced into the Hawaii legislature concerning marijuana. One bill seeks to lower the punishment …


  1. You are so out of touch with the medical facts. I suggest these men do their homework. They are so far off. It's 2024 and the correct medical information is out there and easy to find. It's embarrassing to listen to this. It's not Reefer Madness days anymore.

  2. IrrationalMadnessReeferMadness is only pushed and believed by very small lunatic-fringe-minority of LilMentalMidgets on an illogical, irrational personal moral crusade and witch hunt against cannabis and it's consumers. The rest of us sane, normal American citizens just laugh our butts off at and mock prohibitionists and their loony-tune MadnessReeferMadness as the comedy show they truly are!

  3. #Censorship is just plain wrong and unAmerican. Here for like the tenth try, here is the comment that Island News does not want the public to read: Legalize cannabis federally in each and every single state. This way, irrational politicians can't obstruct and prevent legalization against the will of the vast majority of Americans whom support full federal cannabis legalization nationwide. Treat cannabis exactly like we treat far more dangerous and deadly yet completely legal alcohol. Legal in all states.

  4. Cannabis needs to be just as legal and easy to obtain anywhere as alcohol currently is. In every single state. No exceptions. It's so easy: As legal and easy to obtain/use as alcohol currently is. Why hold relatively benign, often healing cannabis to any sort of irrational, stricter double standard than perfectly legal alcohol?

  5. slowly decriminalizing? this has been a political football since the 1960's, going on 8 DECADES. get over it. its 100%NONTOXC. a fine for 'possessing' an oz?? thats equiv to a pack if cigs. alcohol poisoning KILLS ppl. cannabis HEALS ppl. copshops & court personnel just dont wanna let go of their cash cow, & big pharma lobbyists have a monopoly w/ their trashpills only as long as folks get their herb ripped out of the ground by boots & badgers 'just following orders'. dr busch is a misinformed careerist doling out fluoride pills such as prozac. weed gives relief to schizos, that is not causative. as for motivation, colorado's governor pollit, and choomgang obama (ooh a teenage potdealer) certainly seem to have been propelled to great heights by their weed use… nanny state has legal alcohol, tobacco, firearms but wants to pretend WEED is harmful & dangerous?? read werner's gateway to health & get educated

  6. The Federal Government wrongfully made it illegal and must reverse their political mistake and legalize growing, selling and consuming marijuana by adults. Hawaii's Demo Rats are hypocriticas that deny residents their Civil Rights and over tax. It is the federal government that must legalize marijuana to protect Hawaii's residents from Hawaii's Demo Rats.

  7. You lost your minds. Contaminating breathable air to force oxygen to struggle. If you only knew what that does to people and the surgeries it’s provoking for being exposed to the toxic fumes. Rather to remove it, you’re increasing it? You are promoting narcotics, there are many children on that island. You are making the biggest mistake, you’ll see why soon. 😇

  8. Since it became legal in California, it has become no big deal. It frees Police to take care of real crimes. It does NOT cause an increase in mental health or crime issues. It also helps those who suffer from chronic pain have an option for pain relief in a time when Dr’s are hard pressed to write prescriptions for pain medication. Truly, there is no downside.

  9. if today's weed too strong than regulate the potency or pedigree at the growers' level. People use to smoke the leaves but today it seems they don't even use the leaves or I don't know what they do with the leaves.

  10. We haven’t learned anything from the drug and alcohol problems we have had to endure. Colorado, Oregon and Washington all experienced an increase in crime after legalization. Hundreds of videos popped up on Youtube of smoke being blown into the faces of family pets and then filming them staggering around to their laughter.
    So many drunk driving deaths on our roads – and now they want to add drivers under the influence of weed???

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