1. For people who believe Epilepsy is demonic what are you doing to promote it to ppl the quicker we do that the quicker it will be sorted. Promote tell everyone make videos what ever Epilepsy is a possessed person with evil spirits and Demonds this needs to be heard and society need to know its our duty.

  2. Seizures are callings from the divine. Messages and with hold meaning. You all are scared of what you don’t understand. Or just evil. Either way it goes I will fix that. I know your scared

  3. My 1 year had multiple seizures and my family and me all got to our knees and prayed in Jesus name and they are gone she is not 3 years old and health and has not had one siezure til this day🙏🏾🙌 praise the Lord!

  4. I have epilepsy and I saw this video when I typed in Jesus cures epilepsy and it was one of the videos that popped up and I couldn’t help but yawn and cough some as u said and I truly hope that those demons are escaping and I will do my best to watch this video daily

  5. It's working and I take my total healing from seizures in Jesus' Name Amen. Thank you and Praise The Lord! 🙏🏽 I had them all my life and I'm now 54! Been coughing, spitting, yawning burping and even farting for 2 weeks now and didn't know what was going on until I looked it up, and found out that's how demons come out. Praise The Lord!! Hallelujah!!! ✋🏽🤚🏽

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