36:39 “Cannabis Induced Psychosis” has less to do w the cannabis, and more to do with the person. It only occurs in a very small subset of people who have a “Preexisting Condition” of the brain that has the proclivity towards psychosis, and/or psychotic episodes. They’re already susceptible to tipping into psychosis given the right circumstance. In this patient class, cannabis can cause that tipping point 🤙🏾
The problem lies w the drug war propaganda that takes issues like and uses them to denigrate a substance to an unwitting public.
36:39 “Cannabis Induced Psychosis” has less to do w the cannabis, and more to do with the person. It only occurs in a very small subset of people who have a “Preexisting Condition” of the brain that has the proclivity towards psychosis, and/or psychotic episodes. They’re already susceptible to tipping into psychosis given the right circumstance. In this patient class, cannabis can cause that tipping point 🤙🏾
The problem lies w the drug war propaganda that takes issues like and uses them to denigrate a substance to an unwitting public.
24:20 27:10
When should the live chat get uploaded?
THX 1138 just one number different from HB 1438 which"legalized CANNABIS" in Illinois