Children seizures and Cannabis: ten days on THC oil 2014

It’s been ten days since Barbara started her daughter, Nova Leigh, on THC cannabis oil. Ten days without a seizure. When one …


  1. I hate politics and how governments don't care about people when they fully know that cannabis helps people and they won't legalise it ,all they care about is money . That's goddamn sick . These people should be in prison

  2. Such a beautiful heart felt delivery from this lovely courageous young mum…..thank God you followed your instinct….so much talking about this as a drug, this plant has wonderful healing qualities, natural to our world, Dandilon flowers are called weeds, yet the healing properties of the dandilion roots leaves and flowers are fabulous for the liver…..depending on which lense you are viewing things, the more aware we all get to the God given healing properties of nature, and look to the old cures, and blend with new sconce the healthier we would all be, but of course that comes with the challenge of the Food and drug industries who work to block and mislead the public, in order to keep there massive profits coming in, mostly at the expense of pain and misery of the people will to use them. We need to take back our power, and take responsibility for our own well being, and teach it to our children.Love and Blessings to this lovely mum and beautiful little girl.

  3. Very touching video…. I hope all continues to be well and your days are filled with JOY! My best to you are your family… So happy to see a mothers fight for her daughter gave her life…. More needs to be done so all those who need healing can get it naturally!

  4. Oh yes, brought me to tears to, but I am so happy to see more coming forward with their stories and God is working in this world and we just got to keep sharing these types of positive stories. I am so proud of this young lady and prayers are up for you and your family and may your family stay blessed! Amen

  5. i use mm for back neck pain and high blood pressure before take mm i was on 10 tablets a day to stop the pain and keep ,my heart beating smoothly within a two week of using mm i was not in any pain and not taking a load of tables to keep me alive that was 8 years ago still going strong why do the people know what the governments refuse to accept that mm works why should we be put in jail for wanting to live a peaceful and normal  live

  6.  My grand baby Morgan was only 2 yrs old when my daughter felt there was something wrong and went behind the Doctors back and got a MRI in Jan 201,4 then diagnosed with brain cancer.Giving her only 2 yrs to live. Immediate research she began CBD to kill the cells and thc for her pain. She no longer scratches at her ear making it bleed. The last MRI in April showed it hadn't grown and may have shrunk, they couldn't tell for sure. Not giving my daughter any credit but told her to keep doing what she's doing. Morgans next MRI on June 10th showed the tumor has shrunk… it's been a year and it continues to shrink with the CBD people need to open their eyes and hearts… Hope everything is all well with Nova. 

  7. wow! congratulations barbara, i commend ur bravery… i live in the UK where there is nowhere to run to that you can get this beautiful natural medicine legally… over here they will still  take your child into care, take away the cannabis oil, put her back on the useless meds and put you in prison, for helping your child as you have….
    my sister Laura suffered from terrible grandmals daily for every day of her 34 yrs, leaving her living with severe disability her whole life, and completely reliant on my mother for everything…. before it finally proved too much for her about 6 mths ago, after a particularly long seizure that starved the brain of oxygen too long, and despite all the drugs they have available to medicine, the doctors said they couldnt stop her fitting and she would continue to fit untill one of them finally took her….. my sister died fitting in hospital!… 
    Nova is very lucky to have a mum who was brave enough to tell the establishment to fuck right off and do wats right for her regardless!
    i can only hope that the narrow minded stiffs that run my country will look up from their blood money bank balances for a second and put what is blatently right above what is profitable! because here they just let them die…..
    i wish you and Nova a long and happy life together, and wanted you to hear how it could have gone had you not been so brave!
    Give Nova a squeeze from Laura… she can be an extra angel to watch over her … not that she will need one with a mummy like u!

  8. You go, Mom!

    My husband and I are the straight-laced, conservative couple who never break a law, never cross a line, always play by the rules.

    As I wither in pain from my broken back, I finally opened my mind to the possibility of just trying MM.

    When I tentatively approached my husband with the research, I was shocked to find a man thrilled at the possibility. He'd been doing his own research and was hoping I'd be willing to try it. He loves me and he hates seeing me hurt. His private research led him back to MM over and over again.

    Then I opened up to my closest family and friends. Shockingly, they too had already beat me to the punch.

    As I said, we don't break the rules. I'm in the process of getting my MM card so that I can try this legally.

    This will put an end to the opiates which have ruled my life for the past 9 years.

  9. Happy you have found some respite from your daughter's illness, and have been able to simply enjoy time with your beautiful child.
    There needs to be a concentrated effort to study cannabis at length. I believe if proper scientific testing was pursued, we would have better treatments, or even cures to someof the most debilitating neurologic diseases out there.

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