EEG Results! | I Can't Believe It! | New Smile

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  1. So my daughter has a tounge tie and the other thing that can be cut like on top and bottom. She is 3 now but was born at 23 weeks prematurely weighing 1lb. 1 oz. 11in. At birth.. She ONLY has seizures at night time… Medication is helping but she's having a break through seizure once a month. They don't think she needs surgery for her tounge ties etc. But I never thought how thar could affect her seizure activity. Do you think it would definitely make a huge difference if the seizures are only happening at night time? I've had to co sleep ever since she was born because her indication of a seizure is vomiting. When she does, she immediately has a seizure… We are starting CBD oil now in hopes that it works. I've heard it works wonders and I'd rather that work than some of this medication she's on that alters her moods and makes it like shes the spawn of satan sometimes. Truly she acts like it sometimes. She used to be a complete angel and never cry, fuss, yell, etc. But with seizure meds. They really mess their minds and behaviors up. I only hope she can grow out of them one day so I can have my daughter back 🥺

  2. Wow it looks GREAT GIRLIE…
    Awesome the veneers closed the little Gap you had in between your front teeth because you can see the little Gap at 3:22 and then when you show us your teeth when you come out of the dentist there's no Gap no more, they look wonderful I'm so jealous I was born with teeth problems so I have no teeth at all at 45 years old.
    I'm so self-conscious of it so I don't ever leave the house EVER,
    But you look GORGEOUS GIRL.

  3. I’ve had epilepsy sense age7 weeks. Had been seizer free sense age eleven. Had minor seizures here and there sense but nothing major. I want to get off my medicine and have a life not focusing on my disability. I feel foe Arora. Praise God that she is getting better.

  4. I am so glad Aurora is doing better. I had to lay my 19 year old son to rest today after he passed from a seizure last Friday. I have been following the whole Crazy family for a couple years and pray none of you ever have to go through this pain and heartache. With love to you all. Tanya White in Ohio

  5. Have you guys looked into Aurora using an iPad or other sort of device that has an application or it’s only purpose is to produce words if you tap a picture? A speech-generating device may be helpful to lessen any communication frustration she may be feeling. And, it won’t hinder her speech development. Every study shows kids use the method that is easiest/fastest for them. For a lot of kids devices are a stepping stone on the way to speech or an addition to the speech that they already use.

  6. I’m soooo glad Aurora has improved so much. Even if Aurora ends up having to take some meds for longer or forever just being seizure free is Awsome.
    I know from my experience with epilepsy that things do improve & can get better if you can get it under control. Although I have to take meds & might for life I only have seizures every couple of years or so (& when I do have them they are at night). But with everything under control life is soooo much better & easier. I had open brain surgery back in 2003 to remove a tumour (or more accurately undeveloped brain tissue) causing my epilepsy. I was one of the first to have the specific surgery I had. I’m so grateful I had the surgery as now I can live a relatively normal life mostly. I wish the best for Aurora.

  7. Congratuations Aroura you have done amazingly well. I remember when I had epilepsy and the day I stoped haveing medication I was so happy. And I had the same thing I'd have my seizures at night. I grew out of it but I had epelepsi for about 8 years and I was on medication for 3 years and didnt have a seizure since. And I havent had it once I was off the medication aswell.

  8. I swear Crystal is so freaking pretty! She has a natural beauty about her, even without make up she looks outstanding! Her inner and outer beauty match!
    Also, I want one of her hugs .I feel like she gives the best hugs ever lol!

  9. I had Molar seizures when I was diagnosed at 18 months old and I had 3 brain tumors and that then lead to a brain surgery called a craniotomy which they removed 1/4 of my brain and they could only remove 2 of the 3 because of complications and with the surgery if they removed the other tumor I could’ve died but the surgery then caused some behavioral problems growing up. When I was 4 years old I was rediagnosed with epilepsy and they called my seizures stare offs and I went through several medications a lot of which I had reactions to until I landed on a medication called Lematrizene and I haven’t had a seizure since the 6th grade and I’m now a high school senior. However recently I had an eye exam done and I found out that when they operated they removed a part of my brain that the vision center was damaged which is in the top left corner on my right eye so I cannot get a license as of right now. My heart and prayers go out to Aurora hopefully she becomes seizure free.

  10. My mom has had epilepsy since she was 12 she's 60 on August 5th. Still has it and has had brain surgery and many things to help but nothing has helped. She's on medication and without it she gets grand mal seizures which is scary to see.

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