Emergency (AU) Season 04 Episode 07 – Emergency (AU) 2024

Emergency Emergency (AU) Season 04 Episode 07 – Emergency (AU) 2024 Emergency Emergency reveals the tribulations and …


  1. My x got jabbed with two shots, he came off the road, at 100kms an hour, he passed out, and on cruise control, he mowed down trees, he survived, because he was passed out, thing is, I know more that have, why have we stopped talking about the elephant in the room.

  2. Dr Jonathan P, if you don't mind my caring about YOU, some pilates or yoga or stretching will help rebend your spine and muscle (scary hump at 19:13) You're too young for that, fix it, Sir

  3. I love this show, my favorite Dr is Dr Jonathan, he is a little sneaky and a lot professional. I would give him a peach or two..lol..also I like Dr Emma and Dr Michelle, I like to hear Dr Michelle talk and then there is Dr Mark that I expect to see him breakout singing 500 Miles by the "Proclaimers" Last but not least we have the delicious eye candy Dr Luke and the Irish Dr Brad Pitt aka Dr Michael……Too bad I live in USA ,however I have close kin in WA.

  4. “The Irish Brad Pitt.” I’ve often thought watching this show that if I ended up in hospital in Australia I’d want to have Micheal Dunn for my doctor! Very nice bedside manner and easy on the eyes, too.

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