Forks Over Knives

What has happened to us? Despite the most advanced medical technology in the world, we are sicker than ever by nearly every …


  1. Before all you vegans jump on the bandwagon you might want to check out Jordan Peterson, Dr Ken Berry and several others. Also this who have kidney disease should watch which plants they eat, many cause kidney stones. I’ve been on a carnivore diet for a year. Lost 20 pounds, stopped all Blood Pressure medications and have no inflammation in my body. We are all individuals and have different dietary needs. Be knowledgeable about all that is available to you before making your final decision.

  2. These doctors along with Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Klaper, Dr. Michael Greger have significantly improved my life. All arthritis pain, menopause symptoms, and elevated LDL and triglycerides – All gone!

  3. Because mankind has become more evil. What we consume as dietary nutrients isn’t the problem. Man and it’s evil intentions is the problem, not the food itself. Man and it’s greed at all cost

  4. I think this is one of the most important documentary about health there is. I almost cried when the doctors finally crossed paths…it must have been wonderful to not feel like the lone voice in the wilderness anymore.

    I started my WFPB way of eating today.

  5. This video is a bunch of BS, cherry picked information from vegan supporters. Most of the real science studies on nutrition debunks Forks over Knifes. When the video says that olive oil is unhealthy and in fact may cause heart disease I knew it was complete BS. All the major nutritional institutions including Harvard, American Heart Ass, Association of Cardiology and many more have recent studies proving olive oils is extremely healthy and protects against heart disease and inflammation. And Dr Barnard is a vegan influencer backed and funded by prossessed food companies and vegan cults.

  6. Forks Over Knives (catchier title than Forks Over Scapels) should be mandatory in every HS curriculum. Years ago we saw the movie "Vegucated" with T. Colin Campbell & Joel Fuhrman. It changed my life. The Dean Ornish lifestyle and the Furman book "Eat to Live" are great along with the 2019 manly documentary "The Game Changers" with Arnold Schwartzenegger & Jackie Chan!

  7. UNREAL THIS CHANGED MY LIFE IN 2 MONTHS. I watched this May 1st 2022 and stopped eating Chicken, Steak, Eggs, Milk, Butter in all my foods.

    I was on Dupixent, & Nucala injections, $3,000.00 per month to keep me alive! plus Symbicort, Albuterol, Amplodiphine all because I couldn't breath, I had 2 Endoscopic surgeries, and I was going bald, I weighed 200 lbs. I couldn't get life insurance because the doctor reported I have Asthma, COPD and Alpha 1 deficiency. Theres so much more bad that was happening to me I don't want to bore you with it.

    EXACTLY 2 months later after switching to A non dairy and all plant based foods. My hair, Hair color, are coming back, I stopped taking all my medicine, I can ride my bike without having any difficulty up hills breathing, and I sleep better and lost 6 lbs just by stopping eating all meat and dairy. This documentary most likely has given me many more years to live. This is such a blessing I tell everyone I meet to change to this way of eating. THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH FOR SAVING MY LIFE Now I'm have a blast searching for Plant based Non dairy foods. What an adventure. The stores are starting to carry the good stuff, Sprouts has the most variety.

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