Girlfriend Stabs Boyfriend 108 Times in Cannabis-Induced Psychosis

psychosis #cannabis #mentalhealthmatters Bryn Spejcher had a tragic experience with 30% THC in her paradoxical psychosis.


  1. Oh u r my favorite dr.i have anastetic amnesia.7 yrs since it's not getting better.should I get a brain scan .this is awful I can't talk to anyone I can't remember.they tied me down cuz I was screaming I changed my mind for L4 L5 fusion I knew something would happen ,they couldn't get me under cuz I s.oke weed? No my morphine for 8 yrs. OW all my discs r n chronic pain and im a redhead.i can b put under again what do i do

  2. I've only ever personally witnessed one case of cannabis psychosis, and since it was the first serious break I ever saw, it was scary. Big time paranoid delusions. This person was terrified beyond belief and convinced that some random fellow vacationers were planning to murder the both of us. This was happening in a foreign country where cannabis at the time was not legal, and I really didn't want the situation to escalate to the emergency department or any official involvement.

    What I did was just let her talk through the fears and offered reassurance and tried to help her get out of her head and the fear loop as best I could. Within the hour it resolved and we had no further trouble.

    So far as I can see, all of the people who have cannabis psychosis, unless it is a component of larger multi-drug abuse, have an underlying psychiatric condition. Not always schizophrenia, but bipolar or more serious presentations of BPD.

  3. Don’t have time to watch this, but I am very familiar with weed, cannabis, marijuanna, and I’m telling you, no amount of marijuanna can put you into a murderous state. If anything, it would be the opposite. Can’t use pot as an excuse to kill someone. Or meth or cocaine either for that matter. They are powerful, but not that powerful. I mean, I’ve partied like a rockstar, but I’ve never even let it cause me to miss work. So if I’m on her jury, she’s guilty.

  4. I just don't get how she got away with it. If that's the case, they should let Big Lurch(rapper from Texas), that smoked PCP(WAY WORSE) and got caught walking down the street eating his gf's kidney or liver(don't remember), but naked out of prison. They should also let the guy that ate his homeboys face when he was high on bath salts or off prison. I get psychosis is real. But, come on! My uncle shouldn't have died in prison for a drink driving accident that killed someone either. How dare they let someone get away with murder because they made a choice that led them to do something they wouldn't choose to do sober. The fact she got away with it is my point. It blows my mind how one sided this case is. 🤢🤮

  5. The one and only time i smoked, it made me really paranoid and set off my asthma which may be why i was paranoid. Never smoked it again. CBD really helped my neuropain, but the company started paying more attention to making it cbd from pot and not hemp, so i had to quit buying it from them, cuz the hemp stuff was getting less effective. And won't use the pot derived stuff. One time someone spiked my soda with pure THC and I lost all sense of physical perception. I finally got home and never talked to those to people again. My eye site was so affected, like people had described on being on acid.

  6. I am sorry but there is nothing safe about this products and they should be removed from the market. My boyfriend smoked this stuff ended up in a psychotic state and slit his wrists. It’s an absolutely disgrace that the government has made this legal

  7. Deciding these issues requires taking lots of factors into account. The one time I was faced with having to decide a case that involved the issue of heavy intoxication and the resulting consequences of bad decisions arising therefrom caused me many sleepless nights. I was assigned to take over my ship's legal officer duties, after the skipper fired the legal officer and had him sent ashore. One overdue case required a line of duty/misconduct decision for a drunk sailor who decided to climb on the canopy of a Jeepney going from Subic City to Olangapo, Philippines. He fell oof; shattered both of his ankles, and then tried to chase after the Jeepney. He spent months in the hospital, and was eventually assigned to a different command.
    When I ask my ARNP about when I should get off of Trintellix, I get my question answered with a question: "Why would you want to?"

  8. I smoked several times, but suddenly one time it freaked me out so badly that i TRIED to call for help but couldn't press the right numbers! I know it took me an hour, for sure. I called a private mental health number instead of 911 for my own protection. This was in the 1980s. I'll never forget the voice on the phone. He was incredibly helpful and called me the next day! All i know is, something went wrong. I'm wondering if it had a higher amount than the typical one. If so, I'm telling you, it was AWFUL.

  9. According to Orthomolecular Psychiatry, reactions to anything have to do with pre-existing mental conditions.
    For example, pure LSD 25 will not create psychosis unless it was already there. (Of course set and setting is mandatory for positive experience)
    At the same time, we personally discovered that chemical THC seems 1000 times stronger than THC in a plant. (It made LSD seem minimal in comparison.)
    Sadly, our medical system is more of a disease care system than a health care system; doctors are specialized and not competent to view the whole person. They are trained to treat with pharmaceutical drugs- to pound the body chemistry instead of helping the body heal.
    WAY too much study is about creating pharmaceuticals and WAY too little study of human bodies and minds.
    It’s egregious, to say the very least.

    There are methodologies for changing/healing mental conditions that involve NO drugs- they use breath work.
    Stanislaw Grof and his wife began this incredible work; people can reach alternative states naturally through simple breath work.

  10. This is complete bullshit. The woman used it as an excuse. MJ does not cause this behavior – if anything it would have made her too lazy to move. She had to have had some kind of harder drug on board to cause her to attack the man.

  11. So true. I know of two people (maybe three) who have had their first major psychotic episode due to cannabis use. Two of whom still battle with mental health issues to this day. Also have seen paradoxical reactions to sedatives. Definitely trust the patient‘s first-hand experiences ❤. Great episode!

  12. I have severe and unpredictable paradoxical reactions. Marijuana has always been a disaster for me, in part because it aggravates tachycardia which I have had all of my adult life, following the first paradoxical reaction.

    Thank you for covering this subject. I was abused by the medical profession for many years and I am very angry. I am also a journalist/researcher and my estate is willed to medical research on brain and nervous system.

    OFF TOPIC=> Do you know if the image from the old herbal at 3:34, is from the Voynich Manuscript? If not, I would like to know the source. I see photo sources are credited to a publication. In one segment using this illustration, you mention Greek medicine so I was wondering if the illustration is from a Greek herbal from the middle ages? (I think it's from the Voynich Manuscript.)

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