Doctor, doctor, give me the noose!!!😅 Just kidding totally informative and rad at the same time. Great job gentlemen 👍✌️Hemp is a fuel source for certain 💚
What makes them say that soil microbial life drops off when the plant goes to into reproductive phase? It doesn't stop making exudates or needing the relationship with the microbes.
Thanks for bringing Hemp Back! It's a Hemp Revival!
WIll it regrow from the rootstock like sugar cane
Doctor, doctor, give me the noose!!!😅 Just kidding totally informative and rad at the same time. Great job gentlemen 👍✌️Hemp is a fuel source for certain 💚
Thank you for making this video!!! Been trying to explain this miracle plant to my friends and family but they just don’t get it.
Which variety Using cultivation hemp.
excellent video thank you!
hemp is often grow as an annual crop commercially but they naturally grow as perennial shrubs in the tropics and milder temperate places
Where can non-commercial growers buy hemp-seed for personal test growth?
Hemp is such an amazing plant, such a key part of moving to. A sustainable/circular economy
You mentioned a yield of 6 tons per acre. Is that dry yield of fiber and hurd combined?
Free the weed. Free the people.
Great video. We need more hemp everywhere. 👍
Great video – thank you so much.
Greetings from Zimbabwe!
Loved this.
What is reputable seed bank for tall skinny hemp for fiber?
What makes them say that soil microbial life drops off when the plant goes to into reproductive phase? It doesn't stop making exudates or needing the relationship with the microbes.