Her Shoulders are TIGHT From Work…Full Treatment + CRACKS with Dr/ Tyler

Happy New Year everybody! In 2024 we’re taking care of ourselves and our bodies. If you have a lot of stress/work, you might …


  1. Hi my "Lodi" Dr Tyler 😍hope I can get to adjust my buto butoπŸ˜… cuz very ngalay na πŸ˜‚ and I think need your service β€πŸ˜…
    I'm here in Philippines..hope I can see you ❀

  2. Hey sir.. How i wish.. Someday,
    I experience that too..
    Because i have so much pain in my body.. And uneven..
    As I've seen your videos.. It's so much great and very helpful, very curing.. Hope soon..

  3. Dr. Tyler, I noticed that when you're doing active release technique on the iliopsoas you are working too hard. Alternatively you could ask the patient to lift the leg straight up with knee straight. You will be able to feel the muscle relax. To isolate the iliacus just curve your fingers over the iliac crest. And wait for the patient feedback, takes about 10 reps.Hope this helps, but once we are used to doing things one way it's hard to change. just keep this tip in your arsenal. I love your videos.

  4. Small thing but i really like that he says "everyone" and not "guys". Its just seems friendlier. Maybe im just a weirdo or watched too much Mr Rogers as a child πŸ˜…

  5. β€œOmg the legs are even now” joke had me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ β€œsome chiropractors think that though” πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜‚ I caught the shade πŸ˜…

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