Legalization Battle in DC Gets US Senators Support vs. DEA! Texas AG Sues 5 Cities local Weed Policy

Senators Elizabeth Warren & Kirsten Gillibrand from MA and NY pressure DEA to DEschedule cannabis not Reschedule, echoing …


  1. They should be studying the benefits of combining opioids with cannabis. I know by experience that excellent results are obtained by doing this. They are synergistic. The combination also reduces the quantity of opioids necessary to obtain adequate relief. There are numerous other benefits of combining opioids and cannabis.

  2. Using marijuana or any derivative is doing harm to yourself. Pushing any of these drugs on others, especially children, causes harm to innocent people. One thing you notice from decades of living, children before the drug explosion in the 60s were beautiful and healthy (at least the ones whose parents didn't smoke joints or tobacco). Since then, and you can plainly see from those who smoked that, weed addicts have children with serious problems resulting from the toxic plant more so than with tobacco. A lot of my friends see it too that babies got uglier and uglier with horrific birth defects from biological parents using marijuana.

  3. Indiana needs some push for sure. Strange how Gov Holcomb says he won't legalize cannabis bc it's illegal federally, yet banned the use of Kratom which is not illegal federally. Makes me wonder if Indianas largest employer and DONOR Eli Lilly has anything to do with our policy here in the Hoosier state.🤔

  4. My daughter bought some cartridges containing t. H. She got arrested. I live in Indiana. It cost me my wife $2800. Who's the criminal here? This is wrong. No one should go to jail for marijuana no one😢

  5. There is a reason why they want to reschedule to schedule 3 the same scheduling as tobacco which is illegal to grow. They're using Florida as a test bed the biggest supplier of medicinal Marijuana in Florida trulieve has put 40 million behind the effort to get it passed, in the proposed bill no homegrow. They don't want us growing chiba in our backyards the greedy f**** want all the money

  6. Cannabis is dirtier now than when black market was on top. I didn't go to voting polls with a stack of petitions to get legal Cannabis on the friggin stock market for profit. Shameful it's going in this direction.

  7. United States citizen here, still being deprived of First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendment Rights, while tortured indefinitely.., for the respectful medical use of a plant, nearly two decades after the fact, yet 15 years after the state allegedly acknowledged specifically the "medical use". Go figure? Or perhaps it has something to do with the fact that decades worth of [brainwashing] "programs" were deployed, with the illicit intent to destroy any and all "impartiality" of the "mass "population*"…"*, specifically while legitimate accounts of genuine medical patients were selectively being abridged, as the direct result of enforcing "lesser "laws*"…"* to prohibit "Nature" and the United States citizens' Right to believe in observable Facts thereof?? D.A.R.E you decide for yourself…

    Is anyone going to stop torturing me anytime [soon]??? "Go seek "god*"…"*", they say, repeatedly, gaslighting the patient, whom the courts refused to accept as any form of one, despite wrongfully slandering the citizen as "eternally "diseased*"…"*, in order to force the individual into that which was alleged to be "treatment"*, for the alleged "disease*", which they imperfectly believe allegedly had "no "cure*"…"*. Without any evidence to substantiate claims, nor explanation to the wrongfully accused, nor opportunity to defend against the false accusations. Just: refer back to [brainwashing] "programs", and COMPLETELY ignore the FACT that MILLIONS of United States citizens were WRONFULLY persecuted UNJUSTLY AF for respectfully believing in "Nature" and/or observable Facts thereof).., WHILE deprived of First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Ninth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Amendment RIGHTS, alongside "Life, Liberty", blah, blah, blah, that's not for you… Not to mention specific rights of the medical patient… which "thankfully*" in 2020 We the People ALL lost those TOGETHER!! So, "lucky*" for "US*", we FINALLY moving closer toward "equality*".., as long as NOBODY asks a SINGLE question; AND just blindly believes whatever the government tells us to do, while they enforce their one-sided imperfect "beliefs***" in imperfect "medical "opinion*"…"*, based SPECIFICALLY of complete LACK of knowledge and/or information… [see: patient's right to informed con-… and it's gone!!). Thus, punish the citizen, indefinitely.., and/or until they are forced to "SUBMIT" to the alleged "higher "power*"…"*. As the "program" itself went out its "ONLY "way*"…" to "re-"assure*"…"* these victims, that this "god*" they speak of, which the alleged "eternally "diseased*"…"* [and/or any and/all of those wrongfully accused] MUST "go "seek*"…"*, can allegedly be "whatever". In "attempts*" to be "all "inclusive*"…"*???Or…!?

    Complete LACK of Logic aside, they actually conspired to deprive legitimate medical patients of what best be described as "their medication"… to FORCE these patients to be "reliant*" upon "power* of "prayer*"…"* [and/or [brainwashing] tactics], for misdiagnosis of an alleged "disease*", made by unqualified practitioners of "the "law*"…"*, not medicine… (or is it the other way around? (Why not both!?)), and actually deployed primitive, but known, brainwashing tactics, repeatedly, upon even the most innocent of the victims own families, with the illicit intent. How many citizens in the United States alone have been, and/or continue to be, tortured and/or persecuted for their respectful beliefs in "Nature" and or observable Facts thereof.., as the direct result of enforcing "lesser "laws*"…"* of the "prohibition"? How much time, taxpayer money, and resources were wasted, while "programs" were deployed, no less than some targeting the "young and impressionable" minds of entire generations , with the illicit intent to destroy and all "impartiality"? Did anyone spend time educating anyone about the body's Endocannabinoid System, after that was discovered in 1993? Anyone remember them spending ANY time educating anyone about CAT protocol? For clarity, Convention Against Torture.., and note: "Ooops!! That page is missing…". Funny how that works??? Or…

    [*** paid for by our* "corporate "sponsors*"…"*]

  8. Let's be real…. The reason why cannabis is illegal is because the US government is racist. Racist like telling people who can marry who. Who can drink from which water fountain. Who can sit in which seat on the bus. Made illegal from the same president that "temporary" took us off the gold standard which now has led us into the worst inflation. Same president that said he was not a crook and was impeached.

  9. Minnesota really screwed up the legalization of recreational weed and only let native tribes open dispensary but nobody else . Wtf first of all thats racist second it violates equal rights third they gave us no choice on where to get our pot illegally because theres 3 dispensarys in the state its low grade ditchweed and way over priced its a fricken joke just like Minnesotas medical cannabis program that none of us can afford and theres no consistency in quality or potency so thats a failed joke too . We love pot but hate low grade weed for whorehouses prices we want super smelly crystally danks for cheap like cali and Colorado did

  10. Again..? "More studies " seems to be the overused scapegoat catchphrase For the procrastinators. Government holds out one hand for the tax from sales every year. Posts the statistics every year. But still says no … Need more studies.. these studies are only going to reflect the same outcome as all the other " studies as before. They're going to more studies us to death, by the power invested to the state , each state has been legalizing it on some level without the need or use of the federal government. Legalization is gonna be yesterday's news if and when they ever do. That no one will even bat an eye to such news ..
    Getting tired of hearing empty campaign promises whenever someone needs a vote . And as far as the banking issues and money and taxes , that's been figured out for years now. How many years now has Montana paid The government their cut of the sales and tax .. they know how to handle that money don't they…🙄

  11. wish you could increase your production value. the one lady couldnt even put a sentence together. there are plenty of intelligent and articulate cannabis consumers. please don't make us look bad.

  12. Cannabis should have the same schedule as my tomatoes. Problem solved! Can you imagine congress trying to solve a problem. I solved this in 2 minutes. Should I run for congress?.😮😊

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