With recreational marijuana for people 21 years of age and older now legal in Missouri, a now problem is surfacing. Doctors are …
Weed has never and will never be a "gateway drug". Thats complete horse sh!t reefer madness propaganda. The only drug I have ever been on that got me to try more drugs is alcohol. Guess I cant speak for everyone but im sure im not the only one who feels this way.
I found out this was fake someone told the news this but turns out to be A hoax. It's highly unlikely that fentanyl is being laced because weed needs heat to activate the thc and heat destroys fentanyl so if it was laced it would have no effect at all.
It doesn’t make sense how they would lace it with fentanyl. Cocaine makes sense it’s both white powder, whatever. You buy marijuana as flower so how would you lace it? Genuine question
😂😂😂😂😂 they jus said everything that made it legal is the leading cause of smoke weed like bro ik I'm not depressed when I'm smoking or thinking anything but happy thought 😅😅😅
I love to get high weed is the safest drug out there and it’s not susceptible to fentanyl luckily the fentanyl is destroyed by the immense heat burning a joint it must be vaped
Ever since our weed has been legalized or fentanyl, overdoses have been reduced, because anybody who buys it from a store is buying government regulated weed if you’re buying it from a dealer yet your own damn fault in Canada because the government weed cheaper anyways
people are putting fentanyl in or with their own weed, there's no dealers putting fentanyl in weed, there's no advantage to people making laced weed to sell that have effects that are nothing like weed. There's no advantage to spending more money to make the weed by adding more drugs to it. People are not buying weed with fentanyl in it except a joint from their friend. People are lacing or mixing drugs for themselves and causing ODs and ending up in the hospital and that's where the numbers are coming from. but there is no advantage, benefit, profit or purpose in people lacing weed with to sell
Or these drug addicts are getting younger and blaming weed in fear of getting in more trouble than popping fake percs or smoking fentanyl laced heroine off the foil… y’all should go search for the movie reefer madness if you believe this
Portugal decriminalized all drugs 21 years ago. There OD problem is almost completely gone & kid use is down. Teens do things because it’s dangerous. Take the “bad” out of it & the kids just aren’t as interested.
Alcohol is a billion times more dangerous then weed ever is. All the dispensaries have more potent thc for sure but as far as it being pure ? Legal regulated Dispensaries go through very strict lab testing and lots of safety pre cautions before its even regulated and sold. Street weed is the problem because its not regulated. But as far as pure weed is concerned . no overdoses, no hangovers, . u people should be more worried about hardcore drugs that are killing people like Alcohol Heroin and street weed. Report that. Don't attack dispensary weed out of ignorance if u do ur ignorant
Weed has never and will never be a "gateway drug". Thats complete horse sh!t reefer madness propaganda. The only drug I have ever been on that got me to try more drugs is alcohol. Guess I cant speak for everyone but im sure im not the only one who feels this way.
Time to plant my own weed
Just remember Marijuana's NOT addicting !!! only 9/10 of the World uses it.
Ahhhhhh… this will get rid of the drug problem !! Genius
😂😂😂 This is funny
This reporting is very misinformed.
Linked to depression as in it’s used to treat depression.
I found out this was fake someone told the news this but turns out to be A hoax. It's highly unlikely that fentanyl is being laced because weed needs heat to activate the thc and heat destroys fentanyl so if it was laced it would have no effect at all.
It doesn’t make sense how they would lace it with fentanyl. Cocaine makes sense it’s both white powder, whatever. You buy marijuana as flower so how would you lace it? Genuine question
Another side effect of open southern border. FJB.
I dont believe this
😂😂😂😂😂 they jus said everything that made it legal is the leading cause of smoke weed like bro ik I'm not depressed when I'm smoking or thinking anything but happy thought 😅😅😅
Weed is healthy for you
I love to get high weed is the safest drug out there and it’s not susceptible to fentanyl luckily the fentanyl is destroyed by the immense heat burning a joint it must be vaped
Reduce the legal age of marijuana to 18 because 21 is too long and people will be going to sketchy dealers when they turn 18
Ever since our weed has been legalized or fentanyl, overdoses have been reduced, because anybody who buys it from a store is buying government regulated weed if you’re buying it from a dealer yet your own damn fault in Canada because the government weed cheaper anyways
You shouldn't be allowed to lie like that on the news. This is has been proven to be bogus. Fentanyl would be rendered inert upon heating.
Why someone would do this is beyond me. Why ruin a perfectly good gift from Mother Nature with a strong poison?. Heartbreaking 💔
people are putting fentanyl in or with their own weed, there's no dealers putting fentanyl in weed, there's no advantage to people making laced weed to sell that have effects that are nothing like weed.
There's no advantage to spending more money to make the weed by adding more drugs to it.
People are not buying weed with fentanyl in it except a joint from their friend.
People are lacing or mixing drugs for themselves and causing ODs and ending up in the hospital
and that's where the numbers are coming from. but there is no advantage, benefit, profit or purpose in people lacing weed with to sell
Or these drug addicts are getting younger and blaming weed in fear of getting in more trouble than popping fake percs or smoking fentanyl laced heroine off the foil… y’all should go search for the movie reefer madness if you believe this
Portugal decriminalized all drugs 21 years ago. There OD problem is almost completely gone & kid use is down. Teens do things because it’s dangerous. Take the “bad” out of it & the kids just aren’t as interested.
Isnt a flame 2 hot nd decomposes the fent nd if its in a cart the coil ain't enough 2 vaporize it
Bro 12 grade is responsible kids in 6th grade doing xtc now
Ok this is bullshit!! Of course a 16 year old is going to say he just smoked pot. Like someone is going to tell there parents im doing pills
Just don't smoke. Skill issue
Who tf is wasting money putting expensive drugs in cheap drugs, also since when can you smoke fentanyl ?
Alcohol is a billion times more dangerous then weed ever is. All the dispensaries have more potent thc for sure but as far as it being pure ? Legal regulated Dispensaries go through very strict lab testing and lots of safety pre cautions before its even regulated and sold. Street weed is the problem because its not regulated. But as far as pure weed is concerned . no overdoses, no hangovers, . u people should be more worried about hardcore drugs that are killing people like Alcohol Heroin and street weed. Report that. Don't attack dispensary weed out of ignorance if u do ur ignorant