Matt Zorn: The Lawyer Who Beat The DEA (Explained) | TDR Exclusive

On the TDR “Cannabis Exclusive Podcast” today we interview lawyer Matt Zorn. Get ready for a deep dive comprehensive …


  1. You gotta love the granularity to the answers that gives opportunity to understand the processes, rather than just grinding your teeth and screaming at clouds.

    I won't lie…these podcasts, they're starting to play like a Command & Conquer cut-scene, laying out the battle line, finding out who the players are, and how the plan gets put together. I never thought about the releasing of the info being a catalyst to not just progress in the argument, but also helping create adversarial arguments.

    The great thing about adversarial arguments is that they increase the speed at which the argument is figured out. Like a schoolyard fight, the kids start to gather around based on rumor, the circle forms, the sides are chosen, and then the fight happens.

    Greatly appreciate Matt's effort and success to expose this stupidity, and what a slam dunk this industry really is. Though the retailers are again scraping away their profits, I have to say this exposure of the letter admitting how much BS has been shoveled warms the heart to know you weren't the scumbag they thought you were. You weren't the devil they painted you as, and everything that has been celebrated along side cannabis was just people enjoying themselves.

    I know it doesn't need to be said, and maybe it will hit people when it happens…but smokin some derb doesn't make you a bad person. If anything, it just means the world around you is just THAT much annoying 😉

  2. People often bring up this single convention on narcotics and how it's going against it if the US goes legal, but Canada is restricted by the same single convention, so how did THEY get around it? It doesn't seem like it was a problem for Canada, so why would it be for the U.S.? I just think that argument is a big nothing burger.

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