Ohio lawmakers, license holders spar on medical marijuana reform

Medical marijuana license holders in Ohio issued a cautionary warning to state lawmakers on Tuesday: If the legislature’s plan to …


  1. please legalize marijuana/cannabis/hemp.

    how many alcohol dui//fight/shooting fatalities, in ohio, are we up to this year?
    alcohol is a very powerful narcotic.

  2. Fentanyl can be had for $10 on the street… Why do Ohio lawmakers pretend ‘BLM’ when they obviously want the poor, underprivileged blacks to only be able to afford hard drugs?

  3. The prices they charge are outrageous, $45 for 2.9 grams. This is a plant that is super easy to grow at very little cost once the initial setup is done and paid for. They claim to have warehouses full of product waiting to be sold. The prices are holding back Ohio's medical market.

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