'Prophet' Owuor brings Nairobi CBD street to standstill

Welcome to the 24/7 KTN Kenya News Channel on YouTube – your trusted source for the latest news and updates in Kenya and …


  1. To be honest we are
    We are not poor in this ministry ,to walk in the fear of GOD does not mean walk bear footed ,when you prosper you fear GOD more ,you humble more and fear GOD more

  2. KTN, whether you write Prophet in quotes or not write at all, will not change the fact that THE IS THE MEGA MIGHTIEST PROPHESTS OF JEHOVAH YAHWEH, that are in contact communication with heavens that why, when THEY COMMAND HEAVENS ALWAYS OBEYS AND ACT AS THEY SAY. And a day is coming you KTN, with bias reporting instead of reporting many miracles of Kenyans that through THEM, GOD has healed and restored many cripples, blind eyes, deaf ears, cancers & HIV aids deleted from their blood, leprosy healed, shrivel hands restored, but you only know how to report on pple slaughtering each other while sinning in BnBs,others because of money, they kill fellow human beings. a day is coming and you will know and understand why THEY WERE REFERRED TO AS MEGA MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF TYE LORD GOD JEHOVAH And may be it will be too late for you to change anything, for you now continue joking while judgement awaits you on that dreadful day of the Lord!

  3. I've followed his repentance channel and lo and behold.. i really loved his messaging; REPENT AND TURN AWAY FROM SIN. Sincerely, i dont know of a Man of GOD sooo consistent …20 yrs down the line, he has never preached panda kitu ama nunua vitu upate baraka.. BUT still has millions supporters globally who follow and listen to him despite his straight forward approach.

    .. IF ONLY ALL men of cloth would emulate and directly preach against the rampard immorality and greed that has unfortunately eaten up the very fibre of our culture.. unfortunately leading to myriad killings reported all over our News… Maybe .., maybe not.. the 'trending news' would sound different. Methinks.

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