1. Garuntee the Georgians they gave licenses to are Millionaires and Politicians making money off it? Who determines who should be allowed to grow and use cannabis??? Doctors or rich white men. The main goal is to make sure that you can’t grow your own or make money off of it. They don’t want you to be able to grow your own or profit off of it for you in the state has to figure out how to make all the money being because they were already making money through the prison system bigger than legalizing it is going to take away that revenue so they have to figure out how to turn that illegal revenue into legal revenue.. We need an entire government revolution from federal to state. All of these politicians need to be kicked out onto the street

  2. Legalize this plant, this is not a drug it is a flower a botanical. How can you make something that grows naturally illegal. Very sad we see your prejudices have now spilled over to your own people. In you still trying to hurt us you end up hurting yourself in the long run. God forbid one of your family members need this medicine.

  3. they shou;d make recreational n medical marijuana legal in georgia n everywhere else. i myself smoke marijuana for pain i cant live without medical marijuana, or recesational marijuana. even if i have to buy illegal to get medical mariijuana

  4. Hello from Maine! 🇺🇸
    Home of 25% THC! + we have DABS! Etc.
    While you get your cannabis from street dealers, be sure you get some Coke a Cocaine! Because you all help dealers when its illegal 😱 You know, as pot is legalized..it goes down in price! 🇺🇸
    4.75 $ for a gram of 17 to 20 % THC. [No Paraquat] 😁✌
    Now I have to roll a joint of Acapulco Gold! No 💩
    Puff puff pass 🍓🍄😉

  5. If you wanna grow marijuana yourself, if wanna go to the trouble? go ahead and grow it. Have you ever had anybody knock on your door and poke around your home or that would be able to tell if you were doing something illegal?
    How is legalizing it going to help you grow it at home? unless you're just out bragging to everybody that you're growing it? and even then, whether it is illegal or not, you're still gonna have people wanting to come steal your plants as they mature. An expensive part of the license requirement for people to be able grow is proving security from inappropriate unapproved access..
    But again, ”permission" to grow?
    Just grow it if something simple like that resolves your problems.
    Why is that going to medically make anyone's life any better unless all you want is to get high.

  6. Citizens voting on medical marijuana rather than leaving it strictly to doctors & scientist is like voting on allowing insulin or voting on allowing blood thinners.
    Leave it to those who know because they've sought education on the subject, not the fearful uneducated average voter.
    Dixie voters are much much much too ignorant, to lazy, to selfish to ever go read up on a subject before they vote on it. On top of that it's not just Dixie because nobody should be voting on medication, medication should we left strictly to doctors.

  7. Yeeehawww yuk yuk…
    How G imps O f (fentanyl) P vtin..
    Literally murders galore over shady pro Russian guy curaleaf FL , gop, lame vapes.. no home grow even tho votes are plenty🌿👁️✍️❔🧐🎨🍓👍

  8. They " white Republicans " want in on the cash cow that have put so many black & brown people in jail..It's coming and trust the good Ole boys are positioning themselves or their buddies in position to get the contracts.

  9. Backwards ass country we live in. I order mines from a California company and if I had to abide by the law I would’ve buried my mother a long time ago nobody is going to stop me from getting the medicine that my mama needs fuck this country!!!

  10. I have taken the proper steps to obtaining my Georgia medical marijuana card/licence,last year @t a Georgia licensed marijuana doctor THAT has the credentials to issue me the card . It's a year later …. I have 3 of the diagnosis approved for the card , THIS IS MOST DEFINITELY GEORGIA DOING THE MOST . I OWN MY PROPERTY AND PAY TAXES 😡

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