1. Lady what you are saying can cause men to damage themselves with the pumps,just because you are greedy for sex.you are no Doctor. You have a over sex drive problem mentally. Thier nothing wrong with aman for who he is.its about real love.women have problems to from keeping aman from getting it up.

  2. Penis pumps if missused especially when strapping it or trying it off can be really dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. If you use tie off or strapping to keep blood in the penis for too long, over 20 min it can cause permanent blood vessel damage! This lady is a quack! Check with your doctor first!

  3. I haven't noticed a lot of gains using the pump.
    However I do notice rapid results when combining it with any kind of wrapp to retain the pumped blood for longer time inside the penis, so key is to wrapp after pumping. I normally do like 10min. static stretch first, then 2 or 3 pumps 5min each and wrapp right after pump, loose the wrapp or release if it causes pain and penis gets too blue/dark.
    Believe you will definitely notice a big difference in flacid state, it will shrink less and it will be definitely girthier when erected. After 3 weeks doing this routine at least 4 times per week, I have noticed a 5mm length increase, it's like every muscle it takes time and discipline.
    Not saying you will get the same gains, I would say it's either proportional to your anatomy, but just want to say that you can definitely expect gains if you are constant

  4. I’m living proof this stuff works. Gone from 6 inches to being 3 mm’s away from being exactly 8 inches now.
    Will keep on extending until I’m at least 9- 10 inches long and then start pumping again and doing manual girth work to get to 6- 6,5 inches in girth.
    So all in all gone from 6×5,1 inches to 7,9×5,3 inches. It’s really worth all the hours I put in seeing you have become longer and thicker.

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