Stop Taking Fish Oil!

Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acid, and many physicians including cardiologists have recommended it to their patients for years …


  1. That's actually a good point he's making: I used to take a lot of fish oil, and I always got a headache after. But lately, I started taking COOLED DOWN fish oil (which is kept cold from production to consumption), and they make me feel great! They have only good effects and no side effects.
    There's a brand that selles them where I live, I hope they're available also elsewhere in the world.

  2. Do you realise how ridiculous the recommendation? It’s much more difficult to make sure everyday fish to be free of contamination (not as easy as you mentioned) than do a proper story to identify one or two good manufacturers that produce high quality fish oil.
    And the ending with “probably” “balanced diet” kind of ambiguous terms just showed that this is not a piece of professional advice👎🏻

  3. For people wondering: the bigger the fish = the more mercury/toxins. This sounds stupid, but its true. Bigger fish, such as tuna, eat many smaller fish. All fish contain mercury. All fish have mercury, but the big onces eat all the smaller ones who have it, and make it much worse in them. So the smaller the fish, the less to worry. Tuna are f*ing huge btw if you didnt know.

  4. I refrigerate them so I don't think that there's much of a problem. I also don't eat fish so if the solution is just to eat fish, then that's not much of a solution for me

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