1. Weed is definitely less harmful to the brain than alcohol or tobacco, so I don’t really care, to be honest, most people would see this as good news

  2. im 16 have been smoking since 13 Honestly wish i never tried it until the age i am now i dont really regret starting smoking but if i could i wouldve waited but shit like that hit my middle school and high school so it was hard to avoid it when you cant even piss in school without there being drugs

  3. I like how you guys make it seem like weed is such a bad thing no it’s not. I would rather my kids smoke weed then smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. My kid made his choice when he was old enough to weed is smart everything else is highly stupid.

  4. Wait till y’all see what happens when you see the result of more people smoking weed. The weed now is way stronger and they’re more teens doing it. I mean the weed back in the early 2000s to 2010s wasn’t even as strong as the weed now. There are no studies where the thc levels are measured in these high schoolers.

  5. Weed aint a gate way drug, if someones gona do sometjong else there gona do it anyway, itle be air duster or cocaine first if it wasnt for weed, its just weed is addictive to i cant quit, but it dosnt seem to be killing me just makes me eat more then i used to and im still underwhaight cuase of ibs

  6. Alcohal just hurts my stumach for what? Nothing but feeling warmer and gives me diheria the next day, and ciggeretttes just kills you faster, weed is just a plant with chemicals that get you high, ciggeretes are pumped full of who knows what kinda of tar and chemicals just kills you faster for what? A little tiny buzz thats like a secend hand weed high the first few times you hit it

  7. I dont drink, i dont smoke cigerettes, but i smoke weed every day, im 20 started ehen i was 18, first hit then secend one lile 20 mins later cuse it was a cheep ass vape and didnt do shit but a little diffence then normal, then i got a good pen and it was string af for me, pens are stupid as fuck i shoulda started doing the normal weed in a pipe or bowl first like i wanted but my plug was like no bro try carts, he fucked up my tolorence plugs just suck then stole 100$ from me, dispenserys are the only way for me, thought about slashing the dudes tires to make it equal but i was like, eh me not buyinh from him anymore is more of a loss then tires bc i spent like 25$ on an 8th for me to smoke every other day

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