Terminal cancer patient gets rid of tumor using cannabis – June 5, 2019 – Ainsley O'Riley

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  1. I had skin cancer. and rupped cannabis oil, my wife made. for a month.. and when I went to Dr. to slice the skin cancer.. They said there is no cancer..!! Yes…. it worked…

  2. i have ALS C9 and ALS 2 and started Thc and hemp gummies every 4 to 6 hours around the clock. I am now in entering my 8th year and still mobil and talk and feed my self. and take care of myself. was just diagnosed with breast cancer. studing all around the world about cannibus and cancer i discovered. That Thc and hemp gummies together taken will keep the proteins from feeding the cancer and also stop attacting the nerves and muscles. So it will slow down both. I am upping my dose a bit to fight this breast tumer now and doing well with my ALs. It does work. And with God's help and direction we pray they make it legal for all. to save everyone dieing from these two dieses. I get my lumpopty and will find out if i stopped the cancer spread later this week.

  3. There is no scientific evidence to show that rick simpson oil cures any form of cancer. And the side effects of taking a gram a day are life changing negative consequences. Paranoia, scitzophrenic episodes, being completely out of it all day and night. Missing hospital appointments ! This actually happens. Youll spend a lot of money and miss ourlt on two months that you could have been present with your family that you will never get back, then you will die. Any stories of remissio tgat you hear are either lies pitched by the snake oils salesmen that make tgeir living by exploiting your suffering, or by fortunate people who hapened to be taking tge oil and went into remission – but as any 1st years science degree student knows – correlation is not causality! Go to your oncologist and medical doctors and trust them, not some idiot on youtube.

  4. Worth a try. I have stage 4 papillary thyroid cancer with Braf mutation which makes it more aggressive. I had the surgery 3.75 yrs ago,did three radiation iodine therapy. Only worked 3% because, I'm rai resistant. Did Lenvatanib targeted therapy. It's not working anymore according to my recent ct's. My oncologist us recommending me to take Cabozantinib which has worse side effects than Lenvatanib. There's no cure for what i have but, Cannibis oil is worth trying. What have i got to lose? Besides my life? I hope Rso is now legal in Canada. ✌️ Everybody

  5. Well of course it's gonna stay illegal.. they can't keep big pharma rich if people use natural stuff.. the government doesn't care if anyone dies! They wanna keep you sick as long as possible though to get that money!!

  6. So great to see. My husband had an aggressive form of kidney cancer. 90 days and 1 gram per day.
    About halfway through this period of treatment he had his first scheduled surgery to see what they could safely remove it was deemed as “dead” by the surgeon and to return in another 6 months for the remainder.
    His urologist never followed up with him and our families think we are crazy.
    It has never returned. Thanks so much for this.

  7. I have been diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer. Have been told it is treatable. Not sure whether I should try CBD oil to shrink my tumor but not sure if it will affect my treatment of radiology and chemotherapy. My knowledge of CBD is very limited and I have only looked at it since my diagnosis.

  8. The Pharma industry will never allow cannabis to be recognised as a potential cure and the best all people associated with the Pharma industry will say that cannabis is good adjunct therapy 😅😂

  9. Hi everyone who is fighting cancer or has a family member who is. It’s very scary. The research I’ve done says this is the protocol
    for Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)
    60 grams in 90 days

    He suggests starting by taking a dose about half the size of a dry rice grain and take this three times a day. Always be aware that RSO is very potent which is the reason your first dose should be the size of half a grain of rice so your body can gradually adjust. He then recommends that *for the first 5 weeks you double your dose every 4 days*. As you consume more, your body builds up a tolerance. The effects of the oil, similar to most forms of cannabis ingested orally, may take up to an hour to feel the effects.

    Rick goes on to say the max dose you should consume is a full gram and you should stick with this dose for the remainder of the 12 weeks.

  10. If we stop making a big deal about canibus and just move on. We all know it helps millions to billions of ppl. Ita a God damn plant that heals. What gets me the most aggravated is all these political figures, medical professionals etc who claim there religious should know this plant is here for a reason but yet they let the pharma and prison complex /judicial systems keep paying money to keep it illegal. There judgment will come. The dr.s who took a oath to help ppl no matter what that turn a blind eye to a natural plant for pills n treatments that hurt ppl more then they help will also have there day of reckoning. U can tell Satan really has a grasp on this planet. Why else would a beautiful plant be criminalized all around the world? I'm not much for religion so call him Satan or call it a bad energy but there deff is something. I'm sorry for the rant. It's just I seen to many times where this plant could save someone but they choose not too because its "illegal" . I know for a fact edibles destroy pain far more effective then morphine and another synthetic painkiller. U want to end the war on opiates then start making rso oil the main drug of choice to treat pain. For real

  11. Cannabis and a good diet are a medical necessity for all those of us who have been innocently and ignorantly consuming such hard to avoid metabolically poisonous polyunsaturated Vegetable oils in our diets and got one or more of many more modern metabolically caused diseases and CANCERS. These barely existed before about 1900 when industry and manufactured foods started becoming available. You need to exclude all manufactured snacks, takeaways, restaurant fried and manufactured foods and that's the only hard and fast rule. The ideal solution for ultimate healthy longevity is to go fully VEGAN and take cannabis supplementation to boost your damaged endocannabinoid system until you are better (maybe 2 years or so) while getting all vegetable seed extract, industrially refined cooking oils out of your diet. You certainly can use polysaturated animal food-based oil/fat, which is in all animal products if you are not quite so ill or worried about living as long as reasonably possible while remaining perfectly healthy. Best luck from your optimally self reeducated and friendly family doctor who wants to see you be actually cured of all the modern diseases that are definitely so dietary-based in origin.

  12. I really appreciate your help in bring back my lost life with the help
    of his high quality Cannabis Oil, i am so grateful to you Dr for all the
    love and concern that you showed me and i would keep on giving my
    testimony about your Cannabis oil and how is cures Cancer within 90 days
    of treatment. it just like a Miracle that has happened to me with full
    recovery from cancer and i am free from Cancer. Thanks be to God
    Almighty for sending you my way Dr, i hope and know that you would keep
    on putting smiles on world at large with this great medication. email:
    [cannabisoilcancercure@gmail.com] for all solution to cancer and other diseases.
    Those facing health challenges should go for cannabis oil to ensure the
    absolute cure of all kinds of cancerous diseases. For hopes and help, kindly
    contact Dr.rick simpson for full knowledge about the medication and Services to you.
    Dr. email: cannabisoilcancercure@gmail.com for all solution to cancer and all diseases

  13. I’ve thought about this before, but I wonder if it would help if people just started some sort of platform where cancer survivors/ using RSO or any other forms of the plant for that matter, could go and post their stories either anonymously or however they choose. Just something to get the message out there about how amazing this stuff is !

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