1. my first time being high was on the bus, i puffed on a homie cart, when It hit… i flipped out, i thought the bus was still moving when it stopped, then i got home on a Friday and was free asf and the happiness flowed told my bro (also a smoker) i was high asf, and laughed and then headed back to bed, started sinking, like a backwards waterfall upon my back, i was lost in the za, most peaceful high I've ever had and I don't think I was too tired just peaceful af and high af

  2. it took me smoking 7 times before i felt anything. My first high was honestly the most amazing thing and i cant recreate it. I forgot what strand it was, and so did my boys who gave me 7 different joints until i felt anything.

  3. My first time smoking grass was at 12, i rolled a shitty joint with Bible pages and split it with 2 other people… I did not get high.. My first time getting high was at 13, i got so fkn high cuz it was a high percentage and i had a very low tolerance.. Never stopped sincešŸ˜Š

  4. Frfr first time u smoke u donā€™t get high itā€™s tha second time my first time was outta a pipe we smoked like 4 bowls to cuz I wouldt feel it second time I got fadded asf off a shitty homemade bong but it had a stem n bowl lol

  5. Itā€™s got nothing to do with a natural resistance because our endocanabinoid system doesnā€™t work like that. Itā€™s all about how you inhale.
    If someoneā€™s smoking for the first time tell them to inhale the weed smoke then inhale a bunch of air afterwards to ensure it gets into their lungs.
    If you just inhale to your mouth and throat it wonā€™t work as well as it does when it gets into your lungs.

  6. My first time getting faded I was 19 and I was at a friends house with 5 of my friends who smoked plenty in there life time and they rolled the fattest blunt Iā€™ve ever seen in my life still to this day. I had never really smoked a blunt so I thought it was like smoking a cigarette taking puff after puff and getting buzzed or something like that. Before I realized I had taken 8 humongous hits off the blunt I was in a world of hurt. I had gotten instantly zooted and that was just the beginning my stomach felt like it was doing donuts in the Walmart parking lot I felt sick to the bone. My friends tried to calm me down by giving me some Chick-fil-A which at first was really really good but then I almost threw up because of how high I was . 30 min had passed by and the worst possible thing that could happen to anyone smoking that Za. My MOM CALLED!!!!! Ik I had to pick up because if I didnā€™t she knew something would be up cause I always answer the phone, anyway I couldnā€™t remember much of what I said to her mainly because I couldnā€™t speak cause I was so damn high. Tbh I donā€™t remember much at all other than she was mad at me for something and she hung up. Which after hearing that made my high so much worse cause I felt like she knew I was high. After that one of my homies dipped cause he saw how fucking gone I was which made things even worse. So I sat on the couch for hours basically glued to it watching rick and morty which was trippy asf and went to sleep. Woke up and told myself I was never gonna do that again. 1 week later did it again but ofc with more precaution.

  7. i ripped pens throughout the summer, and they never hit me. but then i took edibles and that was really my first time getting high, now pens hit me like trucks but i find it interesting how they never hit until i took edibles

  8. I still remember the first time I got high. It's legal in my state so I bought a disposable pen, a chocolate bar, and some gummies. The chocolate bar was 10mg a piece (100 total) and the gummies were 5mg a piece (25). At first I followed the rule of take one hit of the pen, wait 15 minutes, and see. After 15min I didn't feel anything, so I hit it 2 more times. Another 15min and still didnt feel anything. I was at about 9mg total now.

    I figured I had a decently high tolerance for my first time, so I ate a piece of the chocolate bar. And it tasted so good I had another. 29mg total now. A hour passes by and I still dont feel anything. So i have 2 gummies, and take 6 hits of the pen. I'm at about 57mg at this point and only 30 minutes later the chocolate bars kick in.

    I swear I was lying in my bed for about 2 hours just enjoying it, not looking at my phone, not watching youtube, just sitting with my thoughts. That lasted for a while then the gummies came in and made it last another hour and a half. Still the best high I've ever gotten.

  9. Damn I can still remember smoking a handful of weed in my dad chalice didn't feel anything until it was empty suddenly everything started to rotate around me I couldn't move my arms or legs just closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep

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