The World's Tallest Hemp Plant

See the story how Hemp Traders and the Riverdale Farm grew the world’s tallest hemp plant, and our experience submitting it to …


  1. Guiness Book of Records was set up and run by a pair of Hitler loving twins, who sold the idea to the massive Irish Brewer, Guiness. Hmm, Fascist and very odd looking twins, Hitler and brewing. You're better off without that kind of approval

  2. Thumbs Up and Subbed! That plant was fantastic! A 24 foot tree grown in a season, this plant can reindustrialize the USA with all the products it can be made into. How about some lightweight and flexible but stronger than steel fenders and other parts on our cars and vehicles!

  3. 🤯 btw…. If you wanna break your own record. (And I hope you do) don't FIND the tallest plant. MAKE IT. As the plant grows vertically and produces lateral branches, it loses energy. If you let the plant maintain three nodes of lateral branches at all times while constantly pruning everything underneath those three while it grows, the vertical growth will increase a lot. As you prune these, you will notice that the fiber of the plant becomes straightened. Almost hiding the branch scar. The straighter fibers allow for faster nutrient delivery to the top of the plant and increased turgor pressure. If given just a little bit of silica, and maintaining a good healthy soil, your plants can easily reach 35 ft.

  4. Good job, I’m growing Hemp in Colombia..I planted in abril by end of may my plants are over 17Feet tall thanks God i can plant hemp all year around temperature is 85 to 90 degrees all the time…

  5. Fantastic! That is a very impressive crop! It is sad how hemp is censored in this way. I wonder when sense and science will finally be recognized for this amazing crop. Thank you very much for sharing the details on how you produced this crop. I look forward to seeing more hemp in Michigan! We get pushback from all sectors including the cannabis growers for concern about cross-pollination.

  6. Congratulations. This is truly an incredible success and extraordinary growth. As for the opinions of others don't worry about it but just keep up this kind of work it will only illuminate ignorance.

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