4 Skin Care Secrets to CURE Crepey Skin! | Peaches Skin Care

Unlock the secrets to banishing crepey skin with our 4 simple tips you can implement immediately into your daily routine! Discover …


  1. Good evening Lisa, I can watch your teaching for hours 🧡 I love using my peaches oil when I massage.It’s pure heaven.I remember when I first started using flawless exfoliator and classic cleanser my skin purged.I had patience and trusted you 🧡 now my skin is the best it has ever been.I am loving Vaseline on my arms and legs too after the shower too.Keep preaching of should I say Peaching 🍑🍑 can’t wait until the Valentine’s Day sale!! Have a blessed week Lisa 🙌🍑🧡💕Arleen

  2. Hi Lisa, thanks so much as always for sharing so much with us all! Could you possibly do a video sharing what you recommend for body care? Hair care products , body wash, lotion etc ❤😊

  3. I'm a new subscriber and I'm just so glad I found you. Your inner glow and energy JUMP off the screen and really speak to me. I'm wondering if you have any suggestions to diminsh the tiny red veins under my nose?

  4. I am now on the Peaches Skincare regimen for 10 days. I continuously play these videos for daily support. Somedays my skin looks the same, somedays my skin looks like it has a glow and I am turning the corner and for the last 2 days, my skin looks terrible. I am trusting the process. This is the first time in my life that I have went to work /professional office setting and have only wore some blush, eyeshadow and lipstick. It took everything within me to stop myself from covering up the purge…but then I would be back to ground zero. I will be patiently waiting for that one layer of my skin to emerge that will be the version of myself I have longed for.

  5. @PeachesSkinCare i have been putting cator oil on my face regularly and my forehead started to peel. Do you think this is was an exfoliation process as you were speaking of in the video or…? It almost seemed like my skin dried out but it was flaking and actually really tight.
    You look GREAT! and i love your videos. x

  6. Well, I just received my order tonight. I am very excited to start these products and to embrace the change. My husband and I are also going to Los Angeles in March for a fitness convention.. so I will be scheduling myself a day of pampering at the Peaches salon.

  7. Hi, I am 51 years old and have dry sensetive skin…I need to have a skin care line to help with redness and sagging skin— does your line help with that and I don’t live near CA —I feel old when I look in mirror and I know can not go back , but it would be nice to see not dry dull , red path skin, can u help

  8. Hello, beautiful lady, you look amazing, i bought some peaches skin care products, let me tell you, my face is better i don't feel dry anymore. Im using flawless exfoliate, classic cleanser, baking soda, acv, luminescent lifting serum, refining radiant eye creme, classic moisturizer. Thank you Lisa.❤

  9. Hi Lisa! This is Missy on our old phone again! I am loving my Peaches! Sometimes I do a little of my routine 3 times a day in addition to morning and night! Your products are in no way terribly expensive in my opinion. My first order was only 3 products back in September or October I think. My husband got me your entire line after Christmas, and I’m not completely out of my first products from several months ago. In the past I have paid almost 200 dollars for 3 products from Walmart. Your products really do go a very long way. You have taught me so much about skincare I’m so grateful to you. You are the only professional that I ever heard say to exfoliate first. And it makes perfect sense. I will always be a peach and I’ll always be grateful that I found you. Have a wonderful week!

  10. Thank you for all the info!! I had heard Vasoline has an ingredient considered to be a carcinogenic. I'm assuming that is false, as you would know, and not use it! Just wanted to clarify. 😊

  11. One more comment. I have only used all of your line for just 4 times, and today, I noticed much less puffiness. This is incredible. I gave up my cable TV, internet, computer, and Wi Fi 10 years ago and what I saved by doing that. I save for things like Peaches skin care. I am on a very fixed income. These products are invigorating and give me a purpose to get up and go.

  12. Love the products and videos., been using almost 2 months. Im going to be 66 in 2 weeks. Chemo and ,steroids thinned my skin, I have AL amyloidosis and the treatment for it is the same as multiple myeloma. Sorry for the book. Your products ,videos have helped my skin look better. THANK YoU. LOVE YOUR HAIR.CAN YOU DO A VIDEO WHAT YOU USE AND DO FOR YOUR HAIR..

  13. Exfoliation is KEY ! Yes !
    I have always taken care of my skin and it’s exfoliation that is top! .. but I was bad as a child living in Hawaii I got lots of sun. I recently had skin cancer surgery and they said use Vaseline on the skin grafts. I’m happy to hear you trying to educate on these silly rumors on it. ❤️
    Love learning from you.. I have used many things from your videos. I just retired and on a fixed income now, so the products are out of my budget, but I hope to try some slowly . Thanks for your kindness.

  14. I am one of the “ people” who returned product after using .Have been a regular facial client, have used very very very good products my whole life. This product burned my skin. Whether you want to admit or not Peach’s is NOT for everyone. 68 year old very knowledgeable skin enthusiast who these products did not work for. This happens all the time in the skin world. Some products work for people some do not. Please be kind to those who prefer not to use these products. On the other hand have been a Vaseline user for a very long time. Thank you for helping those with skinissues

  15. I’ll be 57 in June. Yes I’ve had a lil Botox but would much rather be natural from here on! Going up place my order! Excited for these products ❤❤❤❤❤

  16. my mom is 60 and im 36. I have my mom watching you too. ❤ you are awesome. have learned so much from you over the past couple of years. lots of love as always!! ❤❤❤❤

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