1. What if your lymph system isn't working, i have large golf ball size lymph in both arm pits and more enlarge lymph over my body. My doctor said she refuses to discuss it with me

  2. Chris beat cancer very normal, stage 3 cancer curable, not stage 4, Chris did not beat stage 4, he didn't have stage 4, stage 3 curable always.

  3. Thank you for this fascinating interview. Too bad vitamin B17 wasn't mentioned. It is recommended by some German oncologists and is sold over the counter in Germany, but not in France where I live. It solves not only cancer problems but also prostate hypertrophy.

  4. Would you please share the contact information of Dr Gorter or some contacts who does the dendritic cell therapy, mistletoe and hypothermia? I am in Austria, desperately searching for such therapies. Many thanks in advance!!! Take care, Iris

  5. For a whole body hypothermia, FYI I can get my temperature in a super hot bath up to 38.5°C. For Americans a normal body temperature is 37°C. I start with the bathwater warm and then gradually increase the hot water until my temperature hits 38.5 for half an hour. There’s some mild tachycardia.

  6. I am LIVID! After the torture treatment that I received since 2020. Why isn't dendritic cell therapy being used to cure cancer patients??? If this works so well then all cancer patients have a case for suing the pharmaceutical companies, the medical schools and all oncologists for withholding this information.

  7. Oh yes things are a changing as it must!
    The world is going to be filled with good Doctors like you, thank you for bringing honoring to your oath,
    With Love and appreciation to both of you, blessings 🙏🏻❤️

  8. You had me until he said CBD was harmless. Ask Dr. Amen to show you scans of brains of chronic pot users. Pot is addictive, causes ADD, removes motivation, and can increase paranoia and anxiety. My husband was a chronic pot smoker for over 40 years. He ended up with CVS (Cannaboid vomiting syndrome). Thankfully, after having gone to rehab (for pot), he's been clean and sober for 6 years. Smoking pot is not harmless.

  9. Hi from Amsterdam, I cured my metastasized breast cancer last year without surgery, radiation, chemo and with dendritic cell therapy, hyperthermia, mistle toe injections, medicinal mushrooms, high dose IVC. And some other things. Also high quality CBD and THC oils.

    As you know I am very grateful that you continue to share your experience and knowledge Robert Gorter in this interview with Chris and in person. Thank you also Chris. The two of you really save lives.

    And so do you @stephankrook2970.
    Thank you all for helping me find my way in curing my cancer.

    Much love,
    Miruna van Hemert

  10. Hello, is there any chance for a little word misunderstanding? I was diagnosed and I declined chemo but I went to a Chinese traditional practitioner and I received hyperthermia, among other things. So, having read transcriptions (English is not my first language and Dr Gorter is difficult for me to understand well what he said) I read hypothermia and I believe that all the time the interview is about hyperthermia. Am I right? Thanks

  11. My friend used Gerson to cure her cancer but as you know one throws everything at it and one thing was subcutaneous Iscador injections – Mistletoe

  12. I wonder if he knew or worked with Dr. Lorraine Day at San Fran General? She also worked there during the AIDS epidemic. He's great. Thanks for another great survivor story, Chris.

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