A Radical & New Approach To Eliminating Disease & Cognitive Decline | Sharon Hausman-Cohen

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  1. Great conversation, very interesting about genetics. Thanks to both of you for sharing and making us to understand 🙏🙏. I live in India How can I get IntelXX DNA test on line, pls share the procedure

  2. ### Key Takeaways:

    1. **Gene Expression and Lifestyle Influence**: While genes are inherited and contain variations, their expression is influenced by lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and stress. This means that although we cannot change our genes, we can modify their expression through our lifestyle choices.

    2. **Precision Medicine in Chronic Diseases**: Chronic diseases result from a combination of multiple genes, not just a single gene variant. Precision medicine aims to tailor prevention and treatment strategies based on understanding these gene variants and how they can be modulated.

    3. **Genetics and Dementia**: Dementia involves both genetic and lifestyle factors. Certain genetic variations increase dementia risk, but personalized interventions can mitigate this risk by addressing specific genetic and lifestyle factors.

    4. **Mental Health and Genetics**: In developmental disorders and mental health, it's crucial to look beyond labels and understand the underlying genetic, nutritional, and environmental influences. This approach can lead to more effective, personalized treatments.

    5. **IntelliDNA Approach**: IntelliDNA considers a comprehensive view of an individual's genetics, including multiple gene variants and factors like nutrients, detoxification, and gut health. This holistic approach aims to modify gene expression and optimize health.

    6. **Genetic Testing and Clinical Decision Support**: Genetic testing can reveal an individual's disease risk and guide lifestyle modifications to alter gene expression patterns. Tools like IntellexDNA assist healthcare practitioners in interpreting these results for better treatment decisions.

    7. **APOE4 Gene and Cognitive Health**: The APOE4 gene alone does not dictate cognitive decline risk; other genes and lifestyle factors are also involved. Understanding one's genetic makeup can guide preventive measures to maintain cognitive health.

  3. Dr. Hyman, Peter Attia is close to Chris Hemsworth. You may have seen Peter's video where they discussed Chris's APO4 genes. One from each parent.

  4. I hear about all this new medical care that's personalized treatment and all the incredible outcomes with it. However. What I can't locate is where to actually receive it. My mother has alzheimer's disease and iv been actually searching for precession medicine for her condition for last 8 years but haven't found anything. I'd like to bring her to you or Dr bredesen but no idea how or where ir what to doto help my mom before it's to late and I lose her. She's healthy as can be with exception of her memory. No medications, no other health ailments so she has an advantage I believe if I xoukd only find her the right doctor. Any advise for me Dr Hymann? Please help me!

  5. This is Brilliant! Thank you both so much! I have fibromyalgia, Hashimoto's, arthritis, but the think that worries me most is that my mother has Alzheimer's. So I will look for a Doctor who does this here in Qld Australia. God bless you both for the work you do!

  6. Very important. My mom just died last year. Advanced senility of brain and she ate clean for 30 years. And my dad died of ALS 2007. Need to get tests. No doctor could figure her out and Dr amen brain scan did not show much. Her decline was fast. 2 years and she was gone. Hospice was no help, her Dr couldn't figure her out either. She ended up praying to go home with God and that was it. I am gonna get test with your website or Dr gundry asap


  8. How do I find out what this testing costs the patient? I am very interested but wonder if it is out of my range. There is no cost info on the company’s website.

  9. Fantastic talk! TY! I have heart disease, cancer and dementia in my family. I live as if these 3 killers are chasing me. I have not eaten meat in 33 years and have been Vegan for last 12 years, I vigorously exercise and do many things to mitigate stress. I figure that I have little wiggle room to play with. I have a drink or two on some weekends (nothing major) and I enjoy sweets but everything is in measure and not overboard. I know 2 languages and I study and try to increase my learning on a daily basis. I am very pleased you mentioned Dale Bredesen's work. I have heard people doubt his findings and claims but I am true beleiver!

  10. This all sounds like the wave of the future reseach and thats great, but to me it sounds just like another "pill for every ill "solution. Don't we think the real problem to focus on is our agriculture, soil and air/chemical polution. If we can get rid of all the isles of processed foods and replace them with good whole foods grown if organic, nutrient rich soil we may naturaly reduce all of our problems.

  11. Quick question. Where am I able to obtain a prescription online for a full blood panel work? I can only get so far without a prescription, and my Dr. sucks. I am asking for a reliable online consultation to avoid being scammed.

  12. They both mentioned something called "visveratrol"? (That's the best is can hear). Can someone please help clarity? Thank you very much for this very informative video.

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