Cannabis Legalization News for March 2024 | Cannabis News Podcast

Welcome to our latest episode of Cannabis Legalization News! ⚖️ In today’s episode, we delve into the latest developments in …


  1. 0:46: 🌿 Update on federal cannabis legalization, DEA rescheduling, and True Leaf stock news.
    6:01: 🌿 Discussion on the importance of descheduling cannabis for medical and scientific purposes to comply with international laws.
    11:37: ⚖️ Discussion on challenges faced by a cannabis business in obtaining licenses and lack of marketing budget.
    16:44: 🌿 Discussion on the regulation of cannabis products, including CBD, and the impact on legalization efforts.
    21:52: 🌿 Discussion on legal implications of cannabis use, challenges in enforcing laws, and societal impacts.
    27:08: 🌿 Discussion on the slow process of cannabis legalization, uncertainties in the industry, and a popular sativa-dominant strain.
    32:54: 🌿 Discussion on the support and opposition to SB 448 related to cannabis legalization.
    38:45: ⚠️ Study on cannabis and cardiovascular events reveals potential risks associated with daily use.
    44:05: ⚖️ Controversy over alternative treatments for cancer patients and the limitations of medical laws.
    49:31: 💸 True Leaf reports significant tax refund for 280e in Q4 2023 results.
    55:20: 🌿 Importance of following specific protocols for recall and destruction of cannabis to prevent unauthorized use or resale.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  2. I appreciate what you guys do. Even though I live in Idaho, which will probably never legalize cannabis. Keep up the good work, it gives me hope that maybe I will be proven wrong.

  3. 1:29 About « schedules ».

    Ain't the int'l war against cannabis slightly tainted by over-reactions, hysteria in the face of ¢amera$?… Beware, calling for $pe¢iali$t$/expert$ puts them and their many friend$ in ¢ontrol.

  4. I work in Virginia as a police officer and I support rec sales. Unfortunately you guys are spot on about the conservatives. It’s pure political bs here. Can’t wait to vote these morons out

  5. legal in ohio since november of last year and yet we still dont have any places to buy from, i mean i still get in on the street but still they could easily give lisenses to the the medical dispensaries for recreational till stores for it open up because its the same shit theyll sell recreational anyways

  6. That woman who was treating her daughters cancer with cbd and she went to fucking jail but the hospitals are Murdering people every day with Radiation and Chemical Poisons which are proved to be Fatal. So much fucking hypocrisy.

  7. In regards to the "study", How did they rule out barometric pressure changes? Talk to someone who works an ER. Strokes and heart attacks seem to come in waves. They'll get none for a few days then all of a sudden 12 in one day. They don't even know why this happens. They should start there before trying to do subsequent studies that blame those conditions on something.

  8. the time i take every morning to clean my bong out ,fill it full of ice,make some coffee sit down and enjoy,,,,is sad in tennessee!plus being disabled veteran double sad in this mean,MEAN world

  9. Miggy is a delusional. No not all progress is good.

    Need the right bills passed with set regulations .
    Look what happened to Washington , Oregon and Oklahoma .

    People have lost everything because pots at 25 cents a gram thereabouts

    And Democrats are the kings of Gerry Mandering .,

  10. Great sample size but there are so many missing possible variables that were not listed or did not look at and Tom is as right as rain. Being a retired navy guy I've spent numerious years at sea and if you consume feed water it will either make you extremely sick or in other cases it can kill you so there are are always negatives in things that you would think are safe. If you look hard enough youll find a negative in anything! Oh and VERY HAPPY that you've expressed your feelings towards that Orange Faced IDIOT!

  11. Democrats are not helping at all. They have control of White House and Senate for last 2 1/2 years and hasn’t did one thing. But Red state’s Republicans are doing something Oklahoma, Michigan was Red in 2016 for Trump and just missed being Red again last time and probably was until voting places started putting card board up on windows hiding what they were doing. Then Florida Red state growing away Alabama Red fixing have medical cards to buy weed then Texas also growing and smoking. Name blue state’s in last year doing a lot not many in last year. But big thing Biden hasn’t did one thing and democrat led senate Nothing.

  12. Why not tell the UN either let us legalize weed or get the hell out of our country? Seems a lot more logical than throwing humans into cages over a plant….

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