1. Wow
    This brave officer does not comprehend simple English language

    This man invokes his 5th amendment rights, ignored.

    This man answers that this cash is for bills and came from landscaping.

    The cop refuses to honor his oath by upholding constitutional rights

    Coerces a false confession under the pretense that this man's money will be given to his people so that those bills can be paid while he awaits bail/araignment.

    "Do you see how that doesn’t add up?"

  2. We moved my parents from one state to another. They had 40 k in cash . We split it up in 5 units of 8 k because of shit like this. We each took one unit in each car figuring they’d only get 20% if one of us got stopped.
    When I warned my parents about policing for profit they didn’t believe me. I showed them a couple of these videos and they were more agreeable to the plan.
    All of us made it and so did their money.

  3. I understand for that for certain situations as an officer you have to lie, in order to protect or help people (Example: A man takes a child, you find the man and need to know where the child is, thus you lie to the man who took the child). However despite being an officer, you are still a man and your word needs to mean something. In this case, he loses all credibility as a man. He gave his word to give that man his money back. If he told the truth, which he did. He needs that money to take care of his responsibilities yet you take it despite giving your word to allow his family to keep it. This is not an extreme situation, you should have keep your word as a man. Lying Coward.

  4. I like how everyone is defending this dude, he's no father of the year. The cops are trying to put his priorities in order. He clearly needs the help. By the stop this is not his first go around with law enforcement.. sorry but dealing drugs is illegal.

  5. The cop was a thief and a liar but the driver needs to take responsibility. He’s obviously high while driving his newborn child. And he had a pound in individual baggies? Seriously bro you are selling that shit. Why do you need to roll around with your newborn and a pound of weed. Grow tf up

  6. "I'll work with you man"…
    Lying while profiling.
    Right up there with "We're from the government and we're here to help"…
    Don't trust friendly "wolves" claiming to want to help you.
    Their goal is to take your money and your freedom.
    They aren't your friend and consider us their enemy.

  7. Walker was hired 5/18/2023 he makes 35,000 in less than 6 months and has had issues with off duty speeding 97 Mph and over 100mph another time.. this guy is dangerous and turning off body cams should be illegal

  8. As a cop, you're not judged jury nor executioner so you don't get to say that something gets seized because you think it's this. You seize that money and you guys have to give it back sooner or later. You guys are the guys that have to prove that he is selling. You guys are the ones that have to prove that he illegally got that money. So in the end you guys illegally pulled him over and you guys are going to get f***

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