Henry Ford's Hemp Car ๐Ÿš— Why Wasn't It Produced?

In the early 1940s, Henry Ford experimented with making plastic parts for automobiles. His experiments resulted in what’s know …


  1. The hemp/soy bean car with a steel chassis didn't die, it evolved into the expensive, high performance, fibre glass body, steel chassis cars of today. Glass fibre is stronger and cheaper to produce and easier to use than any plant fibre but you can't smoke it.

  2. didnt notice many people mentioning december 1941 popular mechanic. i did an episode on kick on the b.s that our short term brained historians keep f ing up. also 356 million dollars a day for gasoline is a really big reason it never saw light. you really wanna go down this rabbit hole let me know.

  3. I fin d this story to be a bit over the top BS. If a Material that was this strong existed before the US entry in WWII the US military would be all over it. They would want to use it for Airplanes. Especially Fighter Planes, and Gliders. The navy would want it for PT Boats, Landing craft, and many other things. The Army, would have wanted it. There is no way that this story is on the straight and Narrow. Even though i am a huge Ford Fan i call BS

  4. This was never a success because it would put the oil and steel industry out of business. And a car that doesnโ€™t dent doesnโ€™t need a lot of maintenance.

    Itโ€™s all because of money.

  5. Nice job on the story. Lets do a follow up video and discuss why Fords Hemp car did not go into production and why this concept is being revisited. Cheers. Bruce Dietzen

  6. The main reason that Industrial Hemp was squashed even as a concept is cuz it would have empowered the working class to be very much less dependent on the Capitalist class . They could themselves grow the raw materials to produce much of the materials for their homes autos , clothes and tons more of their necessities of life and so they woulda been less inclined to be hungry wageslaves competing with each other for slave wages and enriching the business class .

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