Horrific Accident Plea Deal Conclusion….With Bonus BSBT

Here is the conclusion to the terrible accident case in front of Judge Simpson. This is now part four of the sentencing. It has been a …


  1. Seriously Colin, you need to write down each clip you add to your video as you're doing it, then you would have the clip list 😀 On the hand, atm we can laugh with you when you don't remember what clips you put together which is also entertaining. I can hear you saying "I know, I know, I should do that" (proceeds to not do that) 😆

  2. Was broken scrotum, broken taint trying to make a Jesus. Type sov cit martyr? He wanted to "insert an apology, because "Shawn Paul Reyes apologized on behalf of all of our freedoms."

  3. This case I lost it, it went way off the rails and I lost so much respect for Simpson on this one. He allowed HIS emotions to get involved and this man wasn’t even charged with anything related to these girls! Next thing he’s here for absolutely nothing related and charges, I want to see where it was the responsibility of a judge to make an arrest outside of a court contempt and sentence him! He has every reason to appeal this!

  4. “The guy who chased the younger females from the accident” was the verbal description in the intro to this video I’ve not watched it. But I found that interesting as to whether that’s your opinion or what resulted from the outcome of the case.

  5. I just LOVE (NOT) how you tell people who help you to pay for the roof over your head, food in your stomach, clothes on your back (and your daughters) to F off if they don’t appreciate your ur pauses. Real nice When you were demonetize you had a little bit of humility…..tell them that you’re pausing …but telling people to go f themselves? Real classy

  6. Bailiffs standing behind in the seond case. Worrying. Cuffed and stuffed. He's had ample opportunity to view all the evidence, but still hasn't? It's not like he hasn't had the time, is it?

  7. Judge Simpson is the finest of us. First and only time I've watched every word. Normally I can scan through these videos but this, I watched every second. The girls SHOULD have remained at the scene, but didn't. They did not deserve to die as a result. Nicely done, Colin…

  8. Judge Perkins reminds me of Denzel in a black robe. He's just as awesome, at least.

    Why does BSBT have to think for a second before saying his name?

    Ok, that was funny to me. "I don't know what IDK means."

  9. He shouldn't have even been charged, how is it his fault these girls decided to drive reckless when he wasn't even close to them, and clearly not "chasing" them according to the witnesses. Definitely a sad situation but you can't just blame somebody else for your own bad decisions, no matter the circumstances. Judge was 100% right.

  10. Hi Colin I feel you were wrong; Judge Simpson is clearly trying so hard to be fair and consider everything including his own knowledge of the area…you do not give that right up because you are a judge and this sentence is breaking him because it is wrong and by law he has no choice on it. But Mr Torres better thank his lucky stars, he got off lighter than he should have for certain. This makes me truly sad for all involved 😢

  11. I bet he wished he would've chose jury trial. If he had he probably wouldn't have gotten screwed so hard!! But then again he probably wouldn't have gotten all the evidence out during a jury trial because of the adjournments to get additional info. 🤷‍♂️

  12. I feel like im missing a part if the crash story because i can not see how judge simpson got so worked up over this.

    From what was shown publically( atleast, what i remember).

    The girls caused a crash that damaged the defendant's car. The defendant chased them, to a point, in which he stopped, and then some time later, the girls crashed, causing their deaths. I seem to recall the judge essentially saying, it was his chasing them that caused them to crash. But, they fled an incident first. I think it is purely speculation to link the causality back to the defendant, and it seems equally as likely that even if he didnt chase them, the same situation may have occured.

    Without more to the story, i cannot rationalise why this person, in the judges eyes, is responsible for their untimely demise. Because it really seems like a case of FAFO

  13. I love watching judge simpson but all I don't agree with not giving him the 45 days of course it won't bring them back but it sure would of made the family feel some kind of justice. But all he got was a slap on the wrist simpson got this sentencing wrong and to the family's of these victims I'm so sorry for having to deal with this and to feel like they weren't honored in this punishment

  14. I don't even want to watch Judge Simpson dispense "justice" anymore!! His behavior was disgusting on the case with the girls killing themselves in the car wreck. He showed his disregard for being neutral by raising the fine imposed on the man that the girls left the scene of the accident they caused!! Judge Simpson was SO wrong on how he behaved in this case.

  15. I lost SO much respect for Judge Simpson for this case!! He over stepped his authority!! Those girls left the scene of an accident and while tragic, it was THEIR doing!! I just despise judges that try to play God instead of applying the law to a case and being NEUTRAL!!!

  16. Dude wtf? Im the only milestone chat u didn't recognize AGAIN!!! Same thing last month. And i chatted about it the whole live stream, so ur mods aren't paying attention either. Its fine dude i get it. But know i remember Phil giving u a platform wen u started and i helped get u alot of subscribers and likes. Oh well im not kissing ur ass

  17. I used to like this judge. I don’t anymore. The more I see him, especially in this case, to me he’s a Drama King, almost theatrical in his pauses and delivery. I don’t know what connection he has to those girls’ mothers or families, but I don’t remember a time throughout this case that he ever once mentioned the girls’ responsibility to remain at the scene of the initial accident. We must ask ourselves, if they had stayed and been accountable, would they be alive today.

  18. Colin, could honestly use from happy thoughts or prayers too. I just missed the live, unfortunately. But needless to say, I never thought I’d find myself in this situation after 25 years of marriage. Separated almost a year now but I’m going through a super tough spot at the moment, it’s a true grieving process. Feeling pretty darned hopeless and lost, actually.
    Would you mind spreading around some of your great happiness and from the amazing people in chat…keep me in mind since I missed it tonight? I sure would appreciate it. 😔 My heart goes out to Rich too. Hang in there sweetie. ❤

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