1. I get spasms that effect my walking. Just lately, my feet stay sore and an area of my right thigh will stay sore cause the muscles won’t relax until I quit walking. It didn’t used to continue like this for so many steps. 😕Wondering if this will help. Going to the doctor soon. I believe it’s neurological gait disorder. I want to try this and acupuncture.

  2. The CUPID research trial began in 2006 and involved 493 people with secondary and primary progressive MS at centres around the UK. The MS Trust funded the cost of the MRI scans. The study investigated whether dronabinol (a chemically synthesised form of THC) might have a role in protecting the brain from damage by MS, a concept called neuroprotection. The results of the study were published in 2013. It found that there was no difference between participants who took the cannabis based medicine and those on placebo, with the treatment having no overall effect on the rate of progression.🤔🤔

  3. Hi Seb, greetings from Canada. I was diagnosed with primary progressive MS in 2014, however, my downward slide happened in 2011. It took 3 years, 3 separate neurologists, multiple MRI's and various other tests, including a lumbar puncture before I was given "The Talk" (they wanted to rule out all other possibilities). I have 6 lesions along the spinal nerve, but thankfully none in the brain. The MS primarily affects my right leg, which basically turned into a stump that I drag around. Walking around a grocery store became an ordeal and big ones like Costco a marathon. Like you I started searching for solutions. Dr. Wahls TED talk was my first breakthrough (its on YouTube). I adopted her supplement regime (not her full food regime) and within about 2 weeks of being on these supplements the nerve pain in my spine disappeared, as did the shooting jabs to to various parts of my body. Hurrah, I was no longer afraid to turn my body and I could once again lift things. In addition, my downward slide stabilized and has remained thus, now for 6 years. I also counteract the side effects by putting about 1-2 km a day on my old ski machine, doing a lot of stretching, and practicing Tai Chi in my driveway. The Tai Chi has helped tremendously with my balance. Now on to the CBD. I started taking CBD oil on January 1, 2020. WOW. Within two weeks I had regained about 75% of my mobility back. I can lift my leg, point my toes up, and my walk is almost normal. I am so so grateful. To finish, I have one tip. One study I ready found that absorption of CBD is increased 4-fold if taken with high fat food. Thus, I take my CBD as you do, and follow it with a dollop of coconut oil. My dosage is 1 ml of the oil which gives me 10 mg of CBD. I take one dose in the morning after breakfast and one in the evening before bed. Thanks for sharing your story. There are so many MSr's out there suffering. When we discover such magical solutions we just want to get the word out. You are doing just that.

  4. Hi Seb. Have you tried or researcheed palmititoyilethamide. Also called PEA. It's natural and helps with nerve pain. I have Psoriatic arthritis and fibromyalgia. I am gay but much older. I got sick ten years ago and it's totally changed my life. I have found PEA to be very helpful. I just watched your channel and wanted to reach out to you.I'd also suggest Buddhism. Life is suffering and sometimes illness as is a teacher. This world is a temporary assignment and you are meant to learn from this and help others in this life. What you can do because of your MS may be much more important than being able to do and be like everyone else. Go to clubs. Even dating. I think your channel is a great way to help and connect with others. I wish the very best for you. And please look into Palmititoyilethamide. Best Regards Mark

  5. PLEASE try atlas orthogonal. The doctor who invented MRI technology Dr Ray Damadian believes that an atlas dislocation or alantoaxial subluxation is behind MS. He has helped people get out of wheelchairs. PLEASE try it …it may help you reverse symptoms like it did for my son. My son was on CBD oil, PT/OT, counseling, he took amantadine too. Nothing helped like Atlas orthogonal.

  6. I'm happy to see you again, my fellow Capricorn. I have a question: have you put the CBD oil in food? I know it isn't unpleasant to take straight, but could you put it in food? Thanks!

  7. My sister is suffering from MS since 2010. Since last year, she had tremors in her right hand which became worse at night. Now she is following Ayurveda, and its really helping her.
    I wish you all the luck and may God give you strength to fight back MS!!

  8. A lot of CBD product's acting agent content isn't indicated on the packaging, so it's hard to do an exact dosing which might differ between MSers. I'm glad it's working for you. Thank you for the reccomendation. 🙂
    Happy New Year! ^^

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