Neuroscientist: The Benefits of CANNABIS | Is MARIJUANA actually good?

In this video, Dr. Andrew Huberman talks about the different types and strains of cannabis, as well as THC, CBD and CBN and …


  1. 2nd hand marijuana smoke is disgusting. Unfortunatley, it's legal and the odor of it from people smoking it casually in public is unstoppable. The US is going downhill. They legalized abortion. They legalized marijuana. They legalizex illegal immigration. What's next?? Pedophilia?

  2. As someone sober since birth, I’ve always been tempted to at least try it out. But the possible eventual addiction and negative outcome that comes from it helps me always restrain myself from thinking any further, since it was a taboo for so many years in my childhood. But when you address it as scientific information, somehow that barrier is broken. I’m not any more tempted to try it, but at least if someone opens the conversation in front of me I’ll be able to share some information and sound like a nerd saying sativa or indica or even ruderalis 😂

  3. Explaining the effect and going into some detail about the actual mechanisms and especially how and what part of the developing brain is impacted is so incredibly important.

  4. I believe that there seems to be a spiritual dimension to addiction that often fgoes unadressed in discussions. It’s an important as aspect that deserves more exploration and understanding

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