Oregon mom who treated daughter’s cancer with CBD instead of chemo, surgery gets 90 days in jail

At the start of the proceeding, Christina Dixon stood in court calm and composed but as it went on, she became emotional.


  1. I’d love to hear this lady explain which pharmacodynamic actions CBD has upon the rapid cell cell growth & division of a malignancy. This isn’t a child who has relapsed, or a catastrophic prognosis e.g a DIPG. The ignorance is horrific.

  2. This is crazy to me! I'm torn between being mad and having sympathy for the Mom. I would do anything for my kids and I can see how she might have thought this was best for her daughter. I have seen many family and friends on chemo and it's no joke how bad it is.

  3. my daughter works in hematology oncology and you cn't image the number of dopes who think they 'know' an alternative. Like organic food, weed, herbs, teas. You can't make up some of the cornball moron things they kid themselves over.
    This mom is a moron

  4. I have a 16yr old daughter fighting brain cancer for 14yrs…. as a parent of a child with cancer my daughter had to under go 17 surgeries to live to this point…. NO ONE should hold this against this mom. I'd do the same thing. People should start thinking outside the box when it comes to treatment like this… I stand with this mom and I feel for her.

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