1. Well my dear, I lost my beloved brother to his addiction. It broke my heart. Out of any of my family I have lost…and I have no one now but my children and their children…I miss him the most. He was only 46. I still cry over his death. But many times love and support is not enough. My heart goes out to anyone who is in the same position as me. Thoughts and prayers for them.

  2. We want to know if Prince Harry will be deported as a consequence of his drug taking. I'm so disappointed that you completely skipped that bit. This is the most important thing. I'm in the UK and we hear don't want him back. So we would love to know what is the outcome of his immigration status 🇬🇧

  3. Hello, DE. I love your cat. She reminds me of my cat. Every year, I like to send gifts to children in other countries through Operation Christmas Child. One item I often like to pack is jigsaw puzzles. To save space in my boxes, I put the puzzles together myself, and then break them into pieces. That way they lay flat, and I can put them in ziplocs. I can also make sure no pieces are missing, and that I am sending them a good quality puzzle in addition to the other various items. Anyway, that's the only time I put puzzles together. My cat Willoughby loves to try to get on top of the puzzles while I put them together. If I succeed in detouring him from that he will then try to get in the box lid and nestle down in the loose pieces that I'm not working on. Now that I have done this several years, I try to do most of my work on the puzzles while he goes outside. Willoughby does guarantee that I will work quickly though.
    I enjoyed your show, as always. Much love, from Amber in Alabama.

  4. To add a bit more the penalties include deportation or barred from the US for a number of years. However upon my research he could apply for another type of waiver. The waiver for having a spouse and/ children that are US citizens would cause him and his wife/children a hardship being separatedfromhisfamily…. Im wondering if this waiver was granted??? 😮

  5. For me and im retired from law, this is about whether or not DHS, possibly state department, possibly either the secretary of state or the attorney General ( if a waiver was granted) conducted themselves in accordance with the letter of the law. The people have the right to know this. This is checks and balances. The judicial branch checking on th Executive branch. The heritage foundation is a Republican organization and the current administration is a Democrat organization. So in essence one party is checking on the other and who could blame them? Lotsa shenanigans been going on. 😊😂

  6. QUESTION: When will meme have major health issues due to her Ozempic and other drug use? Her unphotoshopped pics tell the truth of her current unhealthyness.

  7. I’m glad you are talking about this. THEY want to push H and M on the throne because, as we see with Princess Catherine’s photogate, THEY can’t control the Prince and Princess of Wales. That’s why these idiots get away with everything. I pray good overcomes evil.

  8. It’s just so perfect to have these two self appointed influencers getting rich push drug use role models for mental illness money laundering foundations to the rich and famous and crashing academy awards Grammys women day speech my god then trying to force themselves on king and using his illness as a window of opportunity when clearly neither are capable of love the children haven’t worked now H wants a position and security half in half out delusional thinks he is needed … their both narcissistic sociopaths dangerous to society far from being role models

  9. What I don't understand is why has the Heritage Foundation not call out Harry's involvement with undermining our constitution and the first amendment? If he is here using illegal substances, shouldn't that be enough for the American people to know if their rights are under attack by foreign influence under the influence? You would think this case is more than just the government showing favoritism, it should be to defend the homeland. This is so crazy that no one has called the MothaF&*ker to testify about how he knew about 1-6 and his involvement with all the people who are currently being sued in Missouri vs. Biden.

  10. Is it a coincidence that there are demands to see Harry's application and just thought of something. Interesting that they are calling out Harry and then there is the attack on Catherine demanding to know what is wrong and wanting the original picture? Is Meghan threatening if this continues or if the RF not stop it, then there will be more such attacks on the RF/Catherine?

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