Scary Reason Vaping is So BAD For You And More Health Stories (Compilation)

00:00 Smoking vs Vaping – Which Is Worse? 15:04 What Happens To Your Body When Smoking Weed 34:50 What Happens …


  1. 12:45 – That's what I say. If it isn't oxygen, you shouldn't be inhaling it. I hated smoking, even before I was born. How is that possible? My mom was a smoker before getting pregnant with me and when she was pregnant, she always started to gag when trying to smoke cigarettes.

  2. my own teacher smokes infront of the school basically in front of the gate meaning u cant avoid him,reminder this is in a highschool so hes smoking around literal children and right after i walked infront of him i began coughing abit amazing school im at

  3. Remember folks, those artificial sweeteners are made out of disgusting things. Aspartame is made out of asphalt! It's basically going out and licking tar folks. If smoking deposits tar in your lungs and that's a bad thing…why on earth do people think drinking tar juice is healthy?!

  4. Vitamin B6 is 'nicotinic acid' (and its the B you'll almost ~never~ see in the Supplements aisle). The only thing known to ameliorate/repair nerve damage, as well. I smoke tobacco I buy in bulk w/o chemical additives; I'm 100% Disabled Vet with a LOT of nerve damage to work around, and I would probably have given up on playing music instruments (for one thing) if I'd quit smoking "for my health"…….

  5. Hmmm. .. A compilation that has a video about leftovers being bad for you in a time when grocery prices are skyrocketing. 🤨 That's the one it was on when I woke up after anyway.

  6. Coming up to 10 years since I quit smoking tobacco thanks to vapes. I still vape and I love it, it does give me a cough though but nothing like when I smoked cigs. I think the best thing to do is to never smoke or vape, neither are good for you but cigs are far far worse. I've seen figures from our UK government and NHS that say vaping can be harmful but it's at least 95% safer than smoking. I will stop vaping as well, not sure when but I am getting tired of wasting money on it, so maybe this year? So I disagree with the statement that vapes can stop you smoking because in my case and my wife's case neither of us have touched a cigarette in 10 years.

  7. Yeah, artificial sweeteners are found in so many drinks, it's hard to find those that don't have them. Even Kool-aid Jammers have sucralose. It's way down in the list, but it's there, and after drinking enough of those, my tastebuds detected it, which is why I finally checked the ingredient list. No more Jammers for me.

    Slimfast has powdered mix for shakes that have no sucralose. So I assumed the bottled shakes wouldn't either. Right?


    No more bottled Slimfast for me.

    That stuff is toxic tasting, sickly sweet, and can put me in a terrible mood after consuming it.

    I have a friend who offered me hot chocolate when I visited her.

    But since it's diet hot chocolate, I now refuse every time.

  8. There are lots of sweetened drinks that use non-sugar/artificial sweeteners, there needs to be a video on the kind of damage those products do. Diet drinks are gross. I'd rather have an occasional regular drink and leave the poisonous tasting splenda stuff on the shelf.

  9. One piece of information is that the final inhibitory circuits in the brain are not complete until the late twenties. This is not something that I want to believe but I am convinced of it.
    I am not a neuroscientist so feel free to disagree.

  10. Popcorn lung is over 40yrs old but true. People was vaping melted butter. No lie. Like you see at the movie theaters. But like I said that is 40yr old info. Vaping has come a long way. I quit smoking using vaping. My family Doctor was very happy I used vaping to quit. Dont believe everthing you hear. Cigarette companies want you to think vaping is bad. So, you continue to get cigarettes and smoke there cigarettes.

  11. For me the right use for sugarless sodas are for people who don’t drink it on a regular basis and do it two or three times a month tops with cheat meals, other than that people shouldn’t be drinking soft drinks often at all, they should be drinking water and perhaps juice a couple times a week.

  12. Cigs are still WORSE! 1000 chemicals i one cigarette. Ive had several doctors tell me, while its still not good for me, they'd rather i vape than smoke. Im 38 and smoked 20 years, been vaping for 6 (do the math i was underage) and since i stopped cigs my stamina has returned and i no longer cough.

  13. I'm a license Dietary Director and chicken has always been 165 degrees. At lest thats what I was taught. But it was years ago. I'll be safe. I know I will die one day but hopefully not soon. I have too much to do!! Thanks for the update.

  14. I have been smoking for 25 years no negative effects. I tried vapeing for a few months and went to the ER multiple times for nicotine overdose and felt absolutely horrible. in 25 years of smoking cigarettes I never developed a cough. after vapeing I developed a cough that took 2 years to clear up and developed bronchitis during the time I was vapeing. I believe that vapeing is far worse for you than smoking cigarettes and more dangerous for your health . neither is healthy for you but one is clearly more dangerous than the other.

  15. That whole "We don't know if vaping is bad, but lets persecute them anyway" vibe doesn't seem manipulative at all 🙄. Using one's fear as justification to impose one's will upon others is emotional manipulation. Until there is HARD evidence showing exactly how toxic vaping is or is not, tripe like this will just be fear mongering. Truly, the tyranny of the non-smoker knows no bounds!

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