STOP Abusing Fitness, Your WHY Matters More Than The Workouts | Mind Pump 2294

00:00 Mind Pump Fit Tip: When it comes to fitness success, the WHY is more important than how or the what. 14:10 The best …


  1. 0:07: βš–οΈ The importance of the reason behind fitness efforts over the actions and results.
    7:33: ⚑️ Connecting personal passions to fitness can lead to greater overall well-being and success.
    15:10: πŸ’Ό Business planning retreat in Tahoe with strategic decisions being made.
    21:58: βš–οΈ Importance of prioritizing experiences over material wealth and embracing challenges for personal growth.
    29:04: πŸ’‘ Florida passes legislation banning under 16s from social media, sparking mixed opinions.
    36:42: ⚠️ Corruption in political campaigns prevents addressing high-risk issues like fitness industry abuses.
    44:40: πŸ’‘ Reflections on the Impact of AI on the Future of Work
    51:51: πŸ’‘ Importance of discovering individual potential beyond societal norms and chasing personal greatness.
    59:52: 🍳 Importance of meal prep and proper nutrition for quick results in fitness.
    1:07:50: πŸ’ͺ Vegans can benefit from taking creatine for improved performance, energy, and cognitive function.
    1:15:35: πŸ’ͺ Highly active lifestyle with structured workout routine and diet for three years.
    1:23:48: πŸ’ͺ Importance of mental strength and goal-setting in powerlifting discussed for personal progress.
    1:31:55: πŸ’ͺ Importance of consistent bedtime, physical activity, and nutrition habits for body response.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  2. eye on the prize! I want to enjoy life now, but also in retirement. I see far too many of my family struggling with frailty in their 70s. I want to be traveling the world in my 70s – still putting up my own carry-on on the plane πŸ™‚

  3. I have learned to exercise and eat healthy as a way of taking care of my body, and being a good role model for my three daughters. In my teens and 20s it used to be for punishment, and never being happy with myself. Now it is how I show my self love, and I enjoy the process as a form of self care.

  4. My why is because 8 years ago at 22 my endocrinologist told me my liver enzymes were elevated and I was either an alcoholic or taking steroids, and clearly it wasn’t steroids lol. I am type 1 diabetic and I was drinking to just feel good because not taking care of my blood sugar felt horrible. For some reason my doctor scared me straight and I have been working out consistently ever since. It really helps my insulin sensitivity, I want to live a long happy life. And looking good is really just a bonus!

  5. I disagree on the lawyers being replaced. I work in the legal field and attorneys will not go to other counties or stick to a tri-county area because things can vary greatly county to county. Not to mention I don’t believe AI will be able to alter strategies and tactics on the fly based on things like juror reaction, judge reactions, witness testimony, etc. It takes a team of great people working in sync to pull off things like that.

  6. I love myself. I'm fearfully & wonderfully made. I really like working out. I do admit I like working out on the machines more than at home, bcuz at home I get sore doing compound movements. Plus the Gym has HydroMassage Beds, which are great. I want to workout & be strong so when Summer comes, I can ride my bike everywhere. I love riding my bike. I love driving too. But you get to take in the scenery more on the bike & get exercise as the same time. I don't want to have to forfeit biking cuz it's too windy. Which I did in 2022, bcuz my muscles atrophied when I lost weight the wrong way. Now that I'm pretty much at where I wanna be… maybe, maybe I can lose another 6lbs body fat. It's not imperative. Cuz I like that I fit my clothes now. If I lose more, I may go down another size & not fit my clothes. I'll just have to take out the 'ol sewing machine & take in my clothes.

  7. Over the last several years I have struggled with anxiety. I started lifting weights last year to help with it. Working out and paying more attention to taking care of myself has completely turned my life around. Also started listening to the show this year. I feel thankful to know that my β€œwhy” has been for the right reason since I started. Thanks for all you guys do!

  8. Yea…about Ai replacing lawyers…that is kind of where the trust issue comes in.
    This has been tried already. A lawyer actually used Ai to do research for a case and quoted the cases the Ai told him were relevant.
    He got in a lot of trouble for that, because he didnt doublecheck his source. Otherwise he would have found out that the algorithm made it all up.

    An algorithm is not smart. It does not think and it does not understand what it writes. It is an estimation of what it calculates the most probable answer is. It's like the auto-completion for a Google search or the word correction on your phone. You do not need an actual conciousness in there either. You only need to trick humans enough so that they believe there is one.

  9. Adam! Kumon! Omgosh, I hated this at the time. My dad had me do Kumon and while it was super embarrassing for me to attend there; it did help. However, Math Magic (book) is still the most amazing way, since adulthood, I’ve ever seen to explain and simplify math.

  10. My why has alway been about aesthetics. When I was younger it was the whole "look good naked" thing. Now I'm 66 it is more about looking good in a t-shirt and a pair of dockers.

  11. My why is that I want to have a strong body, dense bones, be able to think, and have great balance and flexibility.
    Its not just about looking fit and healthy. Its about feeling healthy and strong for me now. Its been a huge switch for me mentally. I will do this until I no longer can and then i will figure out something else.
    I want to be a strong old lady.

  12. I love how Mind Pump keeps challenging me to think about my fitness in a new way. Such a valuable message! I’m so grateful for the consistently great content you share. Thank you! Keep it up!

  13. lifting as self-care is a pretty wild mind-shift! (also, per the vegan protein question – good advice! My husband eats mostly plant-based and i'm hoping to convince him to take creatine for just this reason)

  14. I’m working through maps strong right now, over the last two years been training off and on around life for strongman, I love it now because it helps me be able to move easier each day but when I started doing it with a expectation to do well at the local competitions and then I didn’t do as well as I wanted it made it so much harder to continue training for it.

  15. 01:07:08 eggs do have the protein in the correct ratios as well as many other stuff great for health but still lack some of the nutrients that ruminant muscle meat contains….want great health, well it's a decision and a slow (6-8 weeks) transition away..

  16. 01:06:23 that's not the only problem… even if hitting protein in general from plant sources… those calculations refer to crude protein, means a big portion of it will not be absorbed AND due to not having the essential amino acids in the correct %-ages, protein synthesis may not happen at all because limiting amino acids are missing partially or completely

  17. My 'Why?'

    Because I would like to see my two young boys grow up observing their Dad as fit, strong, positive and disciplined. Also I would like to be there for them and be doing activities with them when their into their mid-40's!

  18. 01:00:43 no, it's far from perfect. Shredded chicken breast implies no skin. So he basically didn't have fat, 'cos chicken breast is faaaaar too lean. If he continues on high(er) carb with low fat, his hormones will never optimize and he'll never get lean. Not sleeping enough and/or well also shows lack of healthy fat consumption. The body compensates bad sleep with inhibiting bodyfat loss.
    He needs healthy hormone levels to get lean, which means he has to prioritize protein & healthy fats too! In order to stay healthy and get lean too, and avoid systemic inflammation, he needs to increase protein & animal fat, drop to lower carb, leave his ego at home when lifting, 'cos weights will go down untill he gets adapted.

  19. I was for years abusing exercise to look the certain way and it get to me to a hip replacement. Now, in part for listening to you guys, I'm enjoying my life and having a great relationship with fitness as one way to take care of my self not as a punishment or obligation. Aleays greatful!

  20. I think for some people it needs a break from their usual rigidity to realize what fitness actually means to them. I'm currently doing an internship in exercise therapy and had to deal with only going to the gym once or twice a week because it's really far away. But I'm noticing that I can help people with the knowledge I got and it's okay not to have the ideal muscle building life routine and instead have a really fulfilling day with a home workout in the end.

  21. For me when I walk into the gym i feel good, i actually like to workout. I leave there feeling good and when I’m there I feel at home. I would consider myself an intermediate lifter but after listening to you’ll I’m somewhat a beginner due to my lack of consistency throughout the years. I did get a program in 2018 called kinobody and i finished it a few time But this year I’ve been on it πŸ’ͺ🏾 4 months consistently. I made it apart of my routine, I don’t like to miss not one day of my 3 day full body split. Makes me feel uneasy. I started listening to Mind Pump a month ago binging through episodes trying to learn as much as possible. Honestly when i hear you’ll say something that i already know and/or do, it makes me feel amazing but i also love that i still learn alot and improve so much within my routine. I already have a pretty sculptured body from years of having a good relationship with exercise and food. My goals within the gym right now is to get stronger, about a month ago i started doing the key lifts overhead, squat, deadlift. I push 80 lbs for overhead and 155lbs for both deadlift and squat i want to maximize that.

  22. The "why" question evolves With the lifter. At First, you start With " I wanna look good" then, you wish to "become stronger". Third, you notice how you start to feel better, and you do it becaude ir makes you feel great. AND currently, it's like fitness has become a lifestyle, and it's all about becoming More resilient both physically and mentally

  23. I work out for the results! 3-4 days a week of yoga, weights, walking, hiking. I’ll do more when I can. Once I get 3-4 days, then pressure is off! I love feeling strong πŸ’ͺ🏾

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