The MLM (multi level marketing) / network marketing company, Green Compass is out here trying to grift off of more people …


  1. A) my fertility clinic STRONGLY discourages ANYTHING outside of what they specifically have prescribed while we are being treated.
    B) I would NEVER risk the outcome of our fertility treatment, that we've put so much work & money into, for a damn MLM product. Period.

  2. Hun #2 joined the company before it started and lived paycheque to paycheque when discounting the remainder of her family’s income. Maybe we should be glad she left the education field?

  3. Maybe it’s because I’m an introvert, but losing the “nooks and crannies” of my workday to another grind sounds horrific. I need those bits of time to myself to recharge my batteries.

    And if you’re working your biz on your way to and from work, I sure hope you’re not driving!

  4. Ugh. I have a high-school acquaintance who recently joined green compass. She made a post talking about the gummies helping her 5 year old son. 🙃 after hearing about Q science having THC in their "THC free" cbd drink powder, i dont trust mlm products. I had to unfriend that high-school acquaintance.

  5. Did hunbot #2 seriously say something along the lines of being in “a single-income household if husband’s salary is not considered”?!


    I am not a parent, which would be way harder, of course. I am a
    single “income” household, unexpectedly stuck on lifelong disability now (stage IV metastatic breast cancer.)

    It is WILDLY offensive to blithely “set aside” hubby’s income, which is no doubt a crap ton or why would she want to not include it?

    I am sorry, but the more I think about it – the more this arrogant sidestep infuriates me!

    As if ANYBODY trying to survive on 1 income, especially now and particularly when they are supporting Littles – could even afford cbd gummy bears at $3.50+ A PIECE.

    How despicable. 😡

  6. I wouldn't trust MLM with CBD/THC free because Q science swore it was THC free and turned out to have it. People were failing their drug tests.

  7. for her 5th anniversary maybe she join the company before they launched the company, so she's lucky to be successful in this company bc she was in the 1st person to join???

  8. I really hope there isn't the molecule that make you high in those cbd products, if she give that to her children or someone in jobs that requires you to take a drug test to exercise your job or pregnant women (the baby can have problems), like the other mlm who have products w/ the "high" molecule allegedly.

    25:47 here we go the sob story.
    Every time i hear "this company is different from the other ones". I'm like no it's not, they're all the same, it's a SCAM.

  9. While watching, I decided to peek at their website. And did you know about those “jellies” the first hun nonchalantly humble-bragged about having “just popped one in her mouth before their call…”

    They are $120+ for ONLY 30 of them! 🤯 Or for a real gem of a bargain – when you sign up to receive them 1-time a month or more they are only $96+! A month! 🤯😞

    I am no mathematician, but 🤦🏻 that is way over $3.00 for each little gummy!

    Only when somebody predatorily whips out their MLM mathing would that be “affordable,” or “inexpensive”! 😮‍💨😤

  10. so she mentions around the 20 minute mark that she forgot to bring a bottle because she had just “popped her jelly“ and then a minute later she talks about how she gets sidetracked often. So I guess we can say that this product is not helping with focus!

  11. CBD is more placebo than effect. If anything its people massaging their muscles or taking more watet but assigning positive outcomes to the cbd.
    They would probably get the same effect with white labeled generic pain relief products.

  12. They all say the exact same garbage. You could watch any other opportunity call and you’ll get the same information just a different product. It’s insane. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  13. So I live in NC and met a rep about two years ago at a Christmas vendor show. She was so slick about her words to try not to give away that it was an MLM. She told me that it can help with anxiety and I told her that I'm very happy with my lexipro and she was like "yea but I bet you have side effects… Our product have NO side effects" all while telling me it cures everything. In my mind, a cure all cures none, but go on…)

    So then she tries to get me to sign up for the raffled off basket of stuff that I notice has Starbucks coffee in it, so sure I'll sign up. As I'm filling out the paper I see checkboxes for "I'd like to learn more", "I would like to host a home party", and "I'm interested in the opportunity." MAJOR EYE ROLL from me and she noticed and when I quietly read it to my husband and just made a "humph" sound and waited for me to be done. I handed it to her and I'm pretty sure she threw my paper in the trash because I never heard from her again.

  14. I live in Atlanta, Georgia and with a quick google search, I found that jobs at local dispensaries in my area pay around $14 to $16 an hour. So at part time, which I consider 24 hrs per week, an employee could make $1,344 to $1,536 a month. Now according to Green Compass 2022 income disclosure only 2.43% of the company would make, on average, more than the part time employee at the dispensary. According to their own number you would have to at the rank Director( rank 5 out of 7) to make an average monthly income of $1,757.61 or higher. How much income would you be missing out on to potentially make eventually more money that someone on DAY 1 of a regular job?

  15. Advertising these types of products to pregnant women and children is wild. Espically after that one company was causing people to fail drug tests. Doesn't hospitals screen mothers for drugs during birth, and positive results lead to temporary custody lost. I just couldn't imagine putting my trust in a mlm company when they love to not take responsibility for any harm they cause.

  16. She said she didn’t need friends when she started but after schilling the mlm at all her friends, did she have any left? Now she needs the faux-friends of the mlm.

  17. There was one mlm company that they ended up having high enough levels of thc in their products that people were failing drug tests. So I definitely would not be giving this to my child.

    And of course it checked “all the boxes” she didn’t know she should be looking for. Her friend was trying to sell it to her. Bsffr right now.

  18. The fear of someone from her church seeing her entering a cbd shop makes my blood boil. I have a friend who is one of those churchy people who would be wagging her finger 🙄🙄🙄. She just did that to me, when I was thinking of going to a lecture about psilocybin microdosing treatment for treatment resistant depression 😑. She said it was evil and occult-based. 🙄😑🚫

  19. Mental wellness is my guess. Shes saying a tincture helped her with that but a more focused product w/ ingredients that are put into a proprietary blend to supposedly help with that is my guess for the next product.

  20. They just HAVE to take it right to preying on women, don’t they? Right to postpartum & pregnant women. SoOo dangerous!!!! Not to mention how predatory to have women in the depths of postpartum issues, potentially depression, anxiety or OCD hearing it could help them & try it. Ugh. It’s gross!!🤢

  21. When an MLM rep says they aren't going to make any medical claims, you know the next thing they are going to say will be a medical claim. Just like when an MLM rep says they are going to be totally transparent, you know the next thing they say will be a lie.

  22. DONT GIVE YOUR KIDS DRUGS OR SUPPLEMENTS OMG. Especially promoting doing so WITHOUT saying that you should check with their pediatrician before doing it too.
    And after what happened with Q sciences having 100% CBD only advertized products with THC that has caused people to lose jobs. I wouldn't be trusting anything that doesn't come from a licensed dispensary. Big yikes

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