1. You are lucky they didn't find it! While it is legal, the weed has to be in its original container AND sealed… If it's unsealed makes it illegal.
    You also need to have your stamped prescription letter from the pharmacy for the weed you are carrying, as well as the travel letter and your latest diagnosis letter.
    Most importantly you have to make sure the country you are traveling to is OK with Medical cannabis.

  2. It would of been interesting to see what would have happened if you had got stopped. Just to see the issues with the paperwork. Still I believe you that it's all good. Love your content , love the videos. Keep it going. Maybe we will meet in Amsterdam . Love and stay safe ๐Ÿ˜Š

  3. Driving… Not in Australia (except Tassie), they swab you and you are positive it's a mandatory loss of license and a court date. Oh and it's actually illegal to smoke your medical cannabis too.

  4. You didn't take two flights for no reason. You had to find out for real Drew ๐Ÿ˜Ž. I have some advice for the rest of the mortals out there. I have been smoking weed all my life and have "good character" as I have NEVER been arrested. You would be surprised how far that goes with a judge. I had a court case thrown out as the judge said the plaintiff was an unreliable witness and he told me it was my good character that saved me. It was a noise dispute with a neighbour not weed by the way..

    My tip is ALWAYS leave your weed at home. Whenever people get pinched its always travelling between destinations. If you are going to a party only take what you are going to use. Police will not arrest you for a couple of grams. They will confiscate it but when you get home you will still have the rest of your weed and no prison record.

  5. Here in Qld australia even though im prescribed medical and have my TGA authority it is still 0 tolerance to THC even trace amounts so even if im not impaired they will still suspend your license on the spot and have to go to court, i find it interesting how the rest of the world is handling the driving laws, my mates and i have pretty much stopped driving unless we absolutely have to due to this

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