We*d changed my s*x life… (first time, affects it has, etc!) w/ Andre Nguyen

Let’s talk about we*d baby! Story time about the first time me and Andre got h*gh, my opinion on we*d, how it affects your s*x life, …


  1. Horny after the workout is a thing, my boyfriend comes home ready for action and it makes me roll my eyes every time lol but happens to me too, boosts dopamine and serotonin and countless other things

  2. I love that I watched you when I was younger and you have actually grown with me. You should be able to talk about weed your not a child anymore 🎀💗🎀💗🎀💗🎀💗

  3. Girl weed is a drug, which is why it's a taboo topic. You need to be careful especially considering that you still have a younger, impressionable audience. You shouldn't be pushing it on your platform as a "cool, quirky" thing to do. Just because something is legal doesn't mean that it's right. It's cool if that's what you do and it works for you, but since you refrain to speak on controversial human rights topics or political situations, it's in your best interest to remain silent on the "taboo" topic of weed as well. We all know you smoke weed and love dick, maybe try to speak about more positive conversations that don't deal with drugs and sex!

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