1. I had a lucid dream once it was really interesting like better than any movie I've ever seen.

    I was at some sort of zoo and then like a zombie outbreak happened & the animals were becoming zombies and the people were becoming zombies and Trevor Phillips from Grand Theft Auto was there but as a real person and we were trying to escape and then there was like a zombie about to bite a dog and I was like don't bite the dog and the zombie looked right at me listened and then bit a guy!
    I am a necromancer!

  2. There's more evidence and proof that herbs work than most of what we call "traditional medicine" which is anything but ,

    vaccines literally don't even have to properly test to see if their stuff is safe,
    look into it it's messed up John F Kennedy was talking about it!

  3. I remember smoking blue lotus spliffs out on my buddy's porch, it was late like midnight and the elderly neighbor lady came out and exclaimes "It's NOT Ra Ra time!" She must've known Blue Lotus is connected to sun god Ra

  4. wow you deleted my comment? Are you that insecure about being wrong? I was actually SUPER nice about it too. You deleting that comment is as good as admitting to all the claims I made. Thanks for the W.

  5. Have tried it with mushrooms the combo was almost overwhelming. Many colors appeared almost neon-like. And then snake-like figures. Have other people tried this? I did not expect this so I was blown away by this experience, in a good way tho

  6. Divine timing… got my blue lotus resin block out of the cupboard yesterday for a tea. I've had it for over six months and haven't used it. Must have been around the time your video came out too…

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