Why Some Animals Can't be Domesticated

Why didn’t Africans on Zebra conquer the world? Why don’t we have war bears? Part 1: …


  1. That's right — WE'RE top chicken. Whenever you have the ability to decide whether or not something is on the dinner table that day, you're top chicken …

  2. A zebra is a horse, but with colors. A giraffe is also a horse, but with a long neck. Different kinds of horses are bigger and stronger than you think. I love this🐎🦒

  3. Donkeys have been domesticated. Probably zebra have not, because humans at the time in Africa did not want to domesticate them. Foxes had been domesticated by a soviet scientist. This video is too simplistic and speculative

  4. Africa is a very, very different landscape. Most animals that evolve there have a very different brain to their counterparts on other parts of the world. This is why humans have been able to act like an invasive species anywhere but Africa (in the sense that we caused extinction in every other continent)

  5. The answer is simple, the Africans didn't even think Abt domesticating animals(did they know how to keep cattle before colonization?) while literally ppl in every other continent have been riding horses for thousands of years

  6. People behave same as domesticated farm animals. Because we're only Human. Nobody's advanced. Then one day. We'll be replaced. By something that better deals with Crap.

  7. Terrible analogy between PLANTS and a POP TART. Plants in the wild are not processed. and vegetables at least don't have any sugar. Processed, sugary foods are killing us and destroying our tissues. Vegetation is not (at least not the vegetables that aren't processed). So they're not actually similar, you're just incapable of making fine but crucial distinctions.

  8. War bears existed. The vikings used to have house bears and would ride them to local battles—didn't do well on boats for obvious reasons. Do more research

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