3-Year-Old Gets Medical Marijuana Over Chemo As Cancer Treatment

“One year ago, 3-year-old Landon Riddle was diagnosed with leukemia. Under doctors’ orders, his mother Sierra Riddle began …


  1. My blood dropped 2 oncologists jaws when the oil doubled my blast cells by diverting the flow of energy from the cancer cells to the blast cells. They told me legally they can no longer swipe my medical card. My chemo was $96,000 per day it bankrupted me and I'm homeless but the good news is my oncologist has a 3 floor brick mansion with a elevator

  2. The most important part: It WORKED
    Landon's still here, alive, 10+ years after being given a certain chance of death. He's one child, but any sane scientific community should be increasing research a thousandfold after results like that. We don't know if it works for everyone, but for some it seems to change the most important aspect of treatment: the outcome.

  3. It's saving people. Marijuana works with the body you dipshits.The pharmacies will crumble to the ground. If every one gets this info.the government are greedy fucks. The human life has a price. We witness it everyday.

  4. of course the government will keep cannabis as a level 1. do you think the pharmaceutical company who makes millions and millions of dollars off of people being sick is going to let this get out? they're going to do everything in their power to stop medicinal marijuana. everyone that has been able to use medicinal marijuana has proven that it works but our government won't let us do more studies to prove that it can really cure cancer and so many more diseases. trust me if an orange cured cancer you could be assured that it would be a level 1 and no one would be allowed to use it

  5. ā–¬ā–¬ā–ŗ Hi friŠµnds. If уŠ¾u oŠ¾r a lŠ¾vŠµd Š¾ne nŠµŠµds hŠµlp with drugs or Š°lсŠ¾hol aŠ°Š°Š°ddictiŠ¾n CŠLL ā–ŗā–ŗā–ŗ 1-888-966-2616 (Toll-Free)
    Doon't wait until its toooo lŠ°tŠµ whŠµre theŠµŠµŠµre is lifŠµ thŠµre is hŠ¾Ń€e рŠµace Š°nd blŠµssings!

  6. i think listning to youre doctor is the worst thing to do when you have cancer. chemo doesnt cure only gives you some extra time if youre lucky. You cant trust the main treathment when it comes to cancer period

  7. In terms of cancer, THC is antimetistatic, and it's antiproliferative. Doctor Donald Tashkin and many others have already established this as fact.

    For God's sake… we knew in 1974 that this plant fights cancer.

  8. In terms of cancer, THC is antimetistatic, and it's antiproliferative. Doctor Donald Tashkin and many others have already established this as fact.

    For God's sake… we knew in 1974 that this plant fights cancer.

  9. that lady said there has only been one research case about medicinal marijuana. im sorry but this lady just don't know then cause people have been researching for years always making new discoveries with marijuana. its the best! šŸ˜€

  10. yeah in a fucking petri dish. actually getting the compounds (in this case cbd) actually to target the cancer in the body is a totally different story. all of the studies done have been very, very small scale most not even in humans. Yes, certainĀ  compounds in marijuana have been shown to slow tumor cell growth, however there are THOUSANDS of other compounds that have been shown to do the same thing on the same scale. also of course chemo is going to make you feel sick. its supposed to, it literally forcibly kills cells in the body. Of course after stopping chemo he is going to feel better and appear healthier. its not supposed to be easy. Statistically in children with leukemia 90% survive with proper treatment, it is literally one of the most treatable kinds of cancer. left untreated though damn near 100% of children who get it will die. Sorry guys, marijuana is NOT a cure for cancer…This spread of really really dangerous misinformation needs to stop now. People will quit their treatment to switch to cannabis and WILL die, trust me on this. There areĀ  absolutely no studies that actually show that marijuana is a cure for cancer. only like i said on extremity small scale experiments done in petri dishes, in rats, and very minimal inconclusive small scale experiments on humans that supposedly "slow" growth, it hasnt even ever been shown to stop growth.. All of this "proof" is literally just twisted information and false conclusions and wishful thinking put out by marijuana activists. and also sometimes fucking retarded potheads on facebook. wishful thinking. what this mother doesn't realize is that you dont get extreme symptoms from this kind of cancer until the final stage. She believes he is in remission, but she doesnt even truly know because she refuses to take her own child to the doctors that literally have a 90% chance of curing him. While pot is good for increasing appetite, sleep, and nausea control during chemo it is no cure for cancer. Please just stop the spread of misinformation, its really, really dangerous. especially when it comes to things like this. Cancer is not something to fuck around with. your child's life is not something to fuck with. this child should be taken away by CPS, I hope they do and I pray that he gets the treatment he deserves.

  11. Get a clue, there have been many people cured but for a long time was not exposed to general public cuz of it being illegal, look up Rick Simpson Oil, 'Phoenix Tears, there is a cure for cancer but it is not FDA approved' can be found on facebook as well, it has be come a well known fact but some people will try to rip you off, especially now with less than authenticĀ cannabis oils, educate yourself then do an intelligent report on this, please.Ā The only reason it is not legal is because big-pharma stands to loose multi billions of bucks with their chemicals & barbaric methods & when you hear of someone able to get med-mj, it is usually only after radical therapies stopped working & destroying the immunity system & vital organsĀ since they do damage beyond repair & pharma companies know there is no way cannabis will do what it could do to begin with before making their money taking everything from your home due to costs so outrageous to your dignity

  12. Come on Young Turks, educate yourself before you try to educate the masses. There has been more than "one case" where cannabis cured cancer and THC is the primary cannabinoid, along with CBD, that cures cancer. You sound like you're getting your info from FOX news,wtf. The ONLY reason this PLANT is "illegal", is because of corruption, and do you realize how long our government has been corrupt?? Since before 1937. If you spend 15 minutes on the history of cannabis, you'll be amazed at how corrupt our government really is. People all over the world are making the oil and curing themselves of every known illness, so please educate yourself before your next show.

  13. Who is this male anchor? Ā lol the disclaimer about it not being for everyone, but the doctor is still saying that chemo is a choice that should be forced onto everyone, especially small children. Ā Stand up for the truth in this, not reinforcing poor social standards.Ā 

    PS those studies are done… who is researching this?!

  14. fuck medicine fuck science, fuck money and fuck power, theye destroying us, while benefiting themselves. Nature in itself is the greatest cure to anything so lets shut down chemo and all that crap, cos weve been told lies and propaganda by the ones leading us.

  15. Post a link to a peer-reviewed paper that claims that chemotherapy doesn't work -and again stop humiliating yourselves showing your ignorance. You think reading a post on some random blog makes you an expert on anything?

  16. You will know that unwanted point when your brotherā€™s friend (whoā€™s been a loser for a long time, I have to say) gets a jaw-dropping girl to fall for him in 2 weeks?! God, that basically happened. I understand I should be pleased for him having said that I would prefer if it was me. He stated he used the Cupid Love System (Search for it in Google). I would like to hide inside a cave right now…

  17. We supply within the USA ,Europe and Canada only.Overnight shipping and very discrete. All Contact should come via >> We have high quality medicinal marijuana and other best strains of kush for sale at moderate prices. Master Kush Master Kush X Northern Light OG Kush Purple Kush Big King Bud AK 47 Blueberry AK-48 White Widow White Widow Feminized You can always contact us for more details.. Email address : (melvinialydwin@gmail.com) Text me:(339) 545-2605

  18. For example, it irritates me when they laugh at research that produces seemingly obvious results. Lots of things in the world are counter-intuitive, and if we dont investigate we will never know for sure, which is what science is all about. And then they turn around and make fun of conservatives doing the same thing. Those of us who actually work in science dont need ignorant cheerleaders, because ultimately they're no different than the equally ignorant yokels who deride science.

  19. TYT actually has a video showing how most media is backed by religious org. All colleges are backed by religion, so they "test" only within certain perameters which are approved by that religious org. I'm not nuts here, I'm just stating what I know to be true. You want real medical treatment, go to a country that does not allow experimentation on it's own people- you would need to leave the US. The AMA is just a bunch of jackass's playing God.

  20. You have always said… "SAY THAT AND YOU WILL BE SHUNNED!!!"

    You have constantly said that through out our debate. And i have disproven that. I have told you about the standing ovation that Sir Ken Robinson got at TED talks for basically saying that Gillian Lynne should not have been put on medication, just taught differently.

    You have brought up other examples as well. But character limit… lol


  21. "That's not the definition for science…"

    looool, sorry but there are far too many scientists who refute psychiatry for what it is.. a pseudoscience. Rather, a philosophy. I have no problem with you psych tards calling yourselves philosophists. But scientists???? lool

    It's not the "God of the Gaps" argument when you are trying to play god and say how human beings are supposed to be. We're just refuting philosophy trying to mask itself as science.

  22. You will never define to me how the human mind is supposed to work. As i said before. Psychology has 15 schools of though, 15 CONTRADICTORY schools of thought on how they THINK the human mind is supposed to work. Not confirmed. No laws. No theories. Just schools of thought. LoL… and you call it a science. lol

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