CHANNEL UPDATE: Open Live Chat, Health / Cognitive Issues, Less Content, Social Media & Emails (REMINDER TO …
CHAPTERS/TIMESTAMPS Are Listed Below, In the Description, & Embedded In The Video Chapter Module For Your Convenience & Easier Viewing. Please consider hitting the like button, sharing, and/or leaving a comment on this video if you've found it helpful. Those small things can help other seekers find the channel and may even assist with getting the attention of the algorithm. Thank you for your consideration.
Just a thought but is it possible that your health and Dan's health is targeted because you are helping to wake people up to the deception? I hope you will recover soon. Love your work and 0:15 channel.
Can anyone see this comment? I left one here a few days ago and its disappeared . I mentioned a therapy called “ Nes Bioenergetics “ ,nothing controversial at all so it’s a mystery why it’s gone .
I hope you feel better soon. You are really the best chanel to bring information out. Because of your channel I found out about 'Loosh' and now everything falls in place for me. Thank you for what you do. I might escape the trap because of you. Take it easy and recover
i can relate to that. I´m also struggling heavily with my Samter´s Triad autoimmune disease. For me Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Quercetin and carnivore diet help. But it only helps lowering the symptoms. It doesn´t heal. I´m convinced by now that the chemtrail theory is true and that they intentionally spread things to make us sick, because when i´m making holiday on Canary Islands, everything is getting massively better in only few weeks. And although there are two big airports on Tenerife and Gran Canaria for big Jumbos and there are many smaller airports because the locals use small turboprops for travelling between the islands, there are no strange stripes and checkerboard patterns that spread over hours and make the air foggy. So whatever they tell, those strips cannot come from normal airplane traffic. And if you look where the Canary Islands are, it´s getting obvious that spraying poison there would make no sense because the strong winds would take the poison into the Sahara desert where barely any people live.
My conclusion is that as long as i live in populated areas, i will stay sick. I´m already saving money for some time now. Either i will drop dead some day … then it doesn´t matter anyway. Or when the sickness is getting too bad, i will take the saved money to stay on Canary Islands for the rest of my life.
Take care of yourself! It seem that most of us who are interested in this subject suffer from health issues…. Me and my gf it’s the same , we have health issues as well.
Damn meat suit , it’s not easy to be in the black iron prison.
My primary suggestion would be boron. I wrote a longer comment but youtube hid / deleted it (fully expected). I intend to repost it but that's the gist of it. There are a few reasons I think this works but whatever. The other thing would be a period of carnivore diet. Not beef or eggs, but pork. Grass fed beef made me sick, in a number of physiological "sinks" a lot of people are highly reactive to eggs, but pork worked well for me. This is partially a matter of oxalates (a sort of indirect heuristic that serves as a catch all), but the other is elimination of all grains. That includes wheat, rye, barley (etc etc), as well as corn and rice. Millet, arrowroot, sorghum, the "ancient grains" grown above ground, though not glutenous themselves, can cause issues. This may relate to the spraying. Tubers like potato and cassava will diminish this effect.
Hi. I'm only catching up now. It's ben a while since I've been able to watch any live streams or replays. I'll send you healing energy and let you know I'm here for you in spirit any time you need anything.
Hi Mark, after a very intense LSD experience which triggered my spirituality when I was younger, I started to develop autoimmune symptoms. I rapidly got sick with IBS, derealisation, panic-like symptoms and other things. No doctors were able to help me. However, thanks to the Internet, I was able to help myself. I took my life into my own hands so to speak and took extreme measures. I started the carnivore diet, eating only meat for the next two years of my life. Very extreme and very radical yes, but it helped to cure me. To this day, I don't suffer anywhere near how badly I used to suffer. I also did something called Andrew Cutler Chelation protocol, but that Is secondary. The Carnivore diet really helped me. An alternative to that is the GAPS diet. Food is HUGE when it comes to health and fatigue. Best of luck.
In addition to the radical diet change, I started to take magic mushrooms every month with the express goal to "face what needs to be faced". I had some unbelievable experiences that really helped me to heal. Other things which can help are The Emotion Code (emotions are real things in us) and looking to see if you have mold in your home.
god speed Mark (not in the biblical sense), can confirm fatigue has hit a lot of us, have missed most lives over last year or two mainly due to health. notifications don't work either but this is nothing new. take care fella.
Mark I had no idea you were suffering so, I’m sorry and i innerstand – I’m not sure there’s much we can do for the chemtrail brain fog, i have it so bad the last few months (but I also had this terrible accident) I’m trying shilajit paste and cilantro. Immersion in freezing cold water is good too. Don’t let the fuckers drag you down (or back to 3D)- Rest up and come back soon- yours is the best content on the internet, no competition
Mark if you are taking an Iron suplement, take it with Lactoferrin, that binds the Iron and prevent the patogens to feed themselves…Lactoferrin is also an amazing biofilm disruptor. You with Lyme may have biofim too..
Hi Mark " Check also for toxic mold and parasite cleanse. Mold / Lyme / Parasite infections are all related. Frequencies like 5G a, and all the new cell towers feed all this patogens…So we have to heal the gut ( herbs / probiotics/ organic food ) and do things like sound healing and Earthing ( for grounding, and conduction of all this insane energies. they are not "cosmic energies ". They are man made and horrifically destructive.
Have you tried Allimax garlic capsules instead of antibiotics? Just wanted to throw that out there because they helped me a lot. It might be worth a try? Thank you so much for what you do, sending you good energy!
Mark, I am so, so grateful for your channel, you have helped me wake up in a major way especially regarding the after life shenannigans. So thank you, thank you, All the best on your healing journey, Isabella Greene has some awesome info on out of body trips. She goes directly to the void. MY spiritual teacher says, astral traveling is not such a good idea, says it messes with the integration and balancing of the physical and energetic bodies. I've never been too keen on doing it. I guess to each their own. All the best Mark. Do let us know once in a while how you are doing. Again thanks for everything.
Take care of yourself Mark! I'm not going anywhere just like so many others.
I understand about the leg cramps! No it's not funny but you described exactly what I go through. They happen at night and it hurts like a MOFO! Only thing that helps at the time is to get up and walk around. However, when I take magnesium on a regular basis I rarely have them. Waking up with leg cramps SUCKS! The last thing you want to do is get up and walk! If we don't laugh we'll cry! I'd rather laugh and I know you feel the same. Much positive energy sent to you Mark and to anyone else that's going through any suffering!
Addressing the general fatigue topic, I believe it's supportive to have some orgonite placed around your abode. Towerbusters are affordable. Just make sure the seller is reputable. Crystals are good too for more personal use, but you need to learn a little bit about them (and use your discernment and intuition, since the info is typically New Age influenced) before you try to use their aid. As for your exertion Mark, I would suggest checking out Alfa Vedic or Amandha Dawn Vollmer. Much love to all of you sovereign spirits.
did you happen to take dat covid vaccine? i wouldent think a person like you that thinks like you would take that junk thugh, i known MEANY that took it and now they are always sick., the lym wasent [probbaly] in the vacca, but some supposibily had proions. heck i known i WARNED peaople not take it, they took it got sicker than dog, sied will NEVER take it again, 2nd time never again 3rd time never again 4th 5th and so on!
Thought provoking map of the distribution of Chronic Wasting Disease in North America shown by Dr Kevin Mc Carin + comments ( on Lyme + prions) starting 2:03:52
Hi Mark, I also suffered from brain fog due to a lung infection for more than 2 years, I remember that Spirulina tablets helped me a lot. Hope you get better soon and enjoy your break; best time ever to take a downtime during eclipse season. Eventually the brain fog disappeared on its own, so it shall pass…
Glad I made it halfway into the live. Watched the rest here. Good To know I’m not so alone with these health concerns. I’ve had chronic sinusitis and teeth issues for years. Just found a possible product that seems to be helping.
I always feel happy to have listened to you and be with like minded last timer frens. Great chillin’ together on the live last night.
Mark, enjoy your time in nature away from Wi-Fi and pesky distractions ! Your content is absolutely stellar! Nothing like it out there.
It’s about you resting easy and taking this much needed break. I’ll wait to schedule my session until your return in April. Also I could try out the discord server too.
CHAPTERS/TIMESTAMPS Are Listed Below, In the Description, & Embedded In The Video Chapter Module For Your Convenience & Easier Viewing. Please consider hitting the like button, sharing, and/or leaving a comment on this video if you've found it helpful. Those small things can help other seekers find the channel and may even assist with getting the attention of the algorithm. Thank you for your consideration.
0:00 Countdown Clock (SKIP To Next)
14:25 Required Disclaimer
15:17 Health/Cognitive Issues, Social Media/Emails, Less Future Content
20:34 Please Consider Sharing & Catching Up On Past Content
27:20 Live Chat On All Platforms (Thank You So Much Everyone!)
1:26:18 BREAK (SKIP To Next)
1:34:14 Required Disclaimer
1:34:35 Live Chat On All Platforms (Thank You So Much Everyone!)
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This Channel Is For Educational Purposes Only. Please Do Your Research & Make Up Your Own Conclusions.
The Next Last Timer's Club Monthly Member Live Stream For O d y (see) & YouTube Will Be On:
Sunday, March 31st, 2024
Start Time: 7:00-7:30PM EST.
Hey Mark,
Do you think this lime issue
is part of your soul contract/life script?
I wish you to beat this negative energy.
Worth checking research on Lyme
Get well soon, Mark! Bless you
Just a thought but is it possible that your health and Dan's health is targeted because you are helping to wake people up to the deception? I hope you will recover soon. Love your work and 0:15 channel.
Your health comes first before any hobby. Thanks for your vids. You are not obliged to anyone but yourself. Get well soon FC.
I hope you feel better soon
Can anyone see this comment?
I left one here a few days ago and its disappeared .
I mentioned a therapy called “ Nes Bioenergetics “ ,nothing controversial at all so it’s a mystery why it’s gone .
I hope you feel better soon. You are really the best chanel to bring information out. Because of your channel I found out about 'Loosh' and now everything falls in place for me. Thank you for what you do. I might escape the trap because of you. Take it easy and recover

i can relate to that. I´m also struggling heavily with my Samter´s Triad autoimmune disease. For me Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Quercetin and carnivore diet help. But it only helps lowering the symptoms. It doesn´t heal.
I´m convinced by now that the chemtrail theory is true and that they intentionally spread things to make us sick, because when i´m making holiday on Canary Islands, everything is getting massively better in only few weeks. And although there are two big airports on Tenerife and Gran Canaria for big Jumbos and there are many smaller airports because the locals use small turboprops for travelling between the islands, there are no strange stripes and checkerboard patterns that spread over hours and make the air foggy. So whatever they tell, those strips cannot come from normal airplane traffic.
And if you look where the Canary Islands are, it´s getting obvious that spraying poison there would make no sense because the strong winds would take the poison into the Sahara desert where barely any people live.
My conclusion is that as long as i live in populated areas, i will stay sick.
I´m already saving money for some time now. Either i will drop dead some day … then it doesn´t matter anyway. Or when the sickness is getting too bad, i will take the saved money to stay on Canary Islands for the rest of my life.
There's a danger thinking you know this avatar even cognitively.
Much love
hang in there!
I look forward to catching up with you on your existing library and becoming familiar with these ideas
Take care of yourself!
It seem that most of us who are interested in this subject suffer from health issues…. Me and my gf it’s the same , we have health issues as well.
Damn meat suit , it’s not easy to be in the black iron prison.
I think it's all the shit that is being dropped on us from above. My fatigue has been off the charts this past year as well.
My primary suggestion would be boron. I wrote a longer comment but youtube hid / deleted it (fully expected). I intend to repost it but that's the gist of it. There are a few reasons I think this works but whatever. The other thing would be a period of carnivore diet. Not beef or eggs, but pork. Grass fed beef made me sick, in a number of physiological "sinks" a lot of people are highly reactive to eggs, but pork worked well for me. This is partially a matter of oxalates (a sort of indirect heuristic that serves as a catch all), but the other is elimination of all grains. That includes wheat, rye, barley (etc etc), as well as corn and rice. Millet, arrowroot, sorghum, the "ancient grains" grown above ground, though not glutenous themselves, can cause issues. This may relate to the spraying. Tubers like potato and cassava will diminish this effect.
Hi. I'm only catching up now. It's ben a while since I've been able to watch any live streams or replays. I'll send you healing energy and let you know I'm here for you in spirit any time you need anything.
Magnesium oxide is best in my opinion from personal experience, some magnesiums can raise blood pressure too much.
Sending you healing vibes mark! Could you do a video on source when you can thanks!
Hope you feel better soon.
Hi Mark, after a very intense LSD experience which triggered my spirituality when I was younger, I started to develop autoimmune symptoms. I rapidly got sick with IBS, derealisation, panic-like symptoms and other things. No doctors were able to help me. However, thanks to the Internet, I was able to help myself. I took my life into my own hands so to speak and took extreme measures. I started the carnivore diet, eating only meat for the next two years of my life. Very extreme and very radical yes, but it helped to cure me. To this day, I don't suffer anywhere near how badly I used to suffer. I also did something called Andrew Cutler Chelation protocol, but that Is secondary. The Carnivore diet really helped me. An alternative to that is the GAPS diet. Food is HUGE when it comes to health and fatigue. Best of luck.
In addition to the radical diet change, I started to take magic mushrooms every month with the express goal to "face what needs to be faced". I had some unbelievable experiences that really helped me to heal. Other things which can help are The Emotion Code (emotions are real things in us) and looking to see if you have mold in your home.
god speed Mark (not in the biblical sense), can confirm fatigue has hit a lot of us, have missed most lives over last year or two mainly due to health.
notifications don't work either but this is nothing new.
take care fella.
Mark I had no idea you were suffering so, I’m sorry and i innerstand – I’m not sure there’s much we can do for the chemtrail brain fog, i have it so bad the last few months (but I also had this terrible accident) I’m trying shilajit paste and cilantro. Immersion in freezing cold water is good too. Don’t let the fuckers drag you down (or back to 3D)- Rest up and come back soon- yours is the best content on the internet, no competition
Mark if you are taking an Iron suplement, take it with Lactoferrin, that binds the Iron and prevent the patogens to feed themselves…Lactoferrin is also an amazing biofilm disruptor. You with Lyme may have biofim too..
Hi Mark " Check also for toxic mold and parasite cleanse. Mold / Lyme / Parasite infections are all related. Frequencies like 5G a, and all the new cell towers feed all this patogens…So we have to heal the gut ( herbs / probiotics/ organic food ) and do things like sound healing and Earthing ( for grounding, and conduction of all this insane energies. they are not "cosmic energies ". They are man made and horrifically destructive.
Have you tried Allimax garlic capsules instead of antibiotics? Just wanted to throw that out there because they helped me a lot. It might be worth a try? Thank you so much for what you do, sending you good energy!
Qi Gong is a gentle art to regain strength
Mark, I am so, so grateful for your channel, you have helped me wake up in a major way especially regarding the after life shenannigans. So thank you, thank you, All the best on your healing journey, Isabella Greene has some awesome info on out of body trips. She goes directly to the void. MY spiritual teacher says, astral traveling is not such a good idea, says it messes with the integration and balancing of the physical and energetic bodies. I've never been too keen on doing it. I guess to each their own. All the best Mark. Do let us know once in a while how you are doing. Again thanks for everything.
The system detected Mark is sharing information about the soul trap, but the battle is already winned for all of us
Take care of yourself Mark!
I'm not going anywhere just like so many others.
I understand about the leg cramps!
No it's not funny but you described exactly what I go through. They happen at night and it hurts like a MOFO! Only thing that helps at the time is to get up and walk around. However, when I take magnesium on a regular basis I rarely have them. 

Waking up with leg cramps SUCKS! The last thing you want to do is get up and walk!
If we don't laugh we'll cry!
I'd rather laugh and I know you feel the same.
Much positive energy sent to you Mark and to anyone else that's going through any suffering!
Addressing the general fatigue topic, I believe it's supportive to have some orgonite placed around your abode. Towerbusters are affordable. Just make sure the seller is reputable. Crystals are good too for more personal use, but you need to learn a little bit about them (and use your discernment and intuition, since the info is typically New Age influenced) before you try to use their aid.
As for your exertion Mark, I would suggest checking out Alfa Vedic or Amandha Dawn Vollmer.
Much love to all of you sovereign spirits.
did you happen to take dat covid vaccine? i wouldent think a person like you that thinks like you would take that junk thugh, i known MEANY that took it and now they are always sick., the lym wasent [probbaly] in the vacca, but some supposibily had proions. heck i known i WARNED peaople not take it, they took it got sicker than dog, sied will NEVER take it again, 2nd time never again 3rd time never again 4th 5th and so on!
Thought provoking map of the distribution of Chronic Wasting Disease in North America shown by Dr Kevin Mc Carin + comments ( on Lyme + prions) starting 2:03:52
Mark, keep strong! Thank you for all your work. Wishing you all the best health
Hi Mark, I also suffered from brain fog due to a lung infection for more than 2 years, I remember that Spirulina tablets helped me a lot. Hope you get better soon and enjoy your break; best time ever to take a downtime during eclipse season. Eventually the brain fog disappeared on its own, so it shall pass…
Glad I made it halfway into the live. Watched the rest here. Good To know I’m not so alone with these health concerns. I’ve had chronic sinusitis and teeth issues for years. Just found a possible product that seems to be helping.
I always feel happy to have listened to you and be with like minded last timer frens. Great chillin’ together on the live last night.
Mark, enjoy your time in nature away from
Wi-Fi and pesky distractions !
Your content is absolutely stellar! Nothing like it out there.
It’s about you resting easy and taking this much needed break. I’ll wait to schedule my session until your return in April. Also I could try out the discord server too.
Much love and support coming your way ~