Easter weekend chat with MarkZ and Zester. 03/30/2024

We hang with thecbdgurus for a while and take basic questions.


  1. I am confused. Somebody please help. I keep hearing Zim "bonds". My Zim is from Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe then says "promise to pay… dollars". Did i get the wrong one?

  2. Best wishes Happy Easter MarkZ, Zester, Kookola and mods, team and all online community, hope you all have a great day, waiting on the RV, currency exchange happens soon. Thank you for all the updates and information… Anna Melbourne Australia

  3. 90% of a bored population will find out a lot sooner what conspiracies are really true. The hencemen up top worried about pitch forks and angry mobs at their front door when 90% have no job because of them.
    Zester my tin foil hat never gets put away. My tin foil hat has its own conspiracy loft. πŸ˜‚ (seriously my hubby calls my loft area my conspiracy loft.)

  4. YOUR WEBSITE? Mark, I just visited your website link and the page says your site is expired. I hope that's a mistake and is quickly remedied.
    A million thanks for all you do for those of us gathered in the edge! πŸ™πŸ’–βœ¨οΈ

  5. I dont call it easter. Easter is a pagan label derived from the name of Ishtar. Ishtar is the god of fertility and sex. It is symbolized by the use of bunnys and eggs. That is why I prefer "Resurrection Day".

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