Elden Ring 2v2 Lockout Bingo – Aggy & CBD vs. NPT & Bri

Bingo Brawlers Season 3 format: 2v2 Lockout Bingo. Squares are worth 1 point and lines are worth 2 points; first team to 13 points …


  1. Really like seeing the practice matches! It feels like you’ve bettered your teamwork! Good luck in the tournament, i’m excited to follow s3! :))

  2. Fascinated how the strategy they came up with for CBD's big play allowed for Aggy to play super low vigor throughout, something he's on record as saying is "death in Bingo" (paraphrasing). Even when Aggy did get vigor-memed, it still wasn't as devastating as it's been in previous Bingo matches (especially solo ones).

  3. Am I taking crazy pills? Where did CBD get 3 squares in one. I saw two. Unless chat is just referring to the original hitless square, but that was a different boss…

  4. i do love cbd and aggy and im happy that 2 of my fav streamers collab. i usually watch bingo collabs of aggy and cbd from cbds pov but id like to see aggys pov too. aggy is my first streamer and i just started watching cbd 5 months ago but i love both.

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