Growing pot in the 1980s : Secret Gardens (1988) – The Fifth Estate

In 1988 Bob McKeown looks at how hydroponic gardening techniques made indoor marijuana cultivation a lucrative business for …


  1. Grew pro starting May 1983 the year CAMP started in California
    Moved indoors 1989
    1997 a $250,000 – 1/4 million dollar warrant put out on me for cultivation and sales
    Laid low in NYC n Rancho Palos Verde for 17 months before starting up again
    2007 finely got pulled over did 5 nights in The Twin Towers
    before riding up to Santa Cruz in chains where charges were dropped in the interest of justice
    In those 30 years personally grew 80,000 Ganja plants

  2. Should never have been illegal in the first place! I just harvested 20 ozs off one ☝️ plant lmfaooo come n get it coppers Lmfaoo oh wait it’s legal now! Sucks for you tyrant’s huh?

  3. I feel California should be more adamant on Organic ganja as well as see how rehabilitation the herb will do as well as hydrogen water grow as well as plasma treatment curing the herb

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