Making the Ultimate Slow-Burning Cannabis Cigar | BONG APPETIT

A properly made slow-burning cannabis cigar can get you high all day long. Watch more from VICE TV: The World’s Most …


  1. sometimes you have real educational videos and topic, and people. but there is plenty
    of "hardcore" smokers who bring a torch to a smoke shop, or have it at home. like why
    you using a gas burner to light a small stick. you burn the front centimeter of it off without
    even having any of the THC that is in there. so wasteful and dumb that it makes me laugh
    at this video. idk if there is a term for it in english but in german there is something called
    "heiß rauchen". it means you just lit the joint way too much, and then some junkies suck
    on it so it burn in too much, and ruins the whole pleasure of that joint. you can reroll from
    that point on. its supposed to be a chill environment, and not like chugging a beer in one…

  2. I started smoking cigarettes since my teenage, spent my whole life fighting cigarettes addiction. Also suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until a friend recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. This is something that really need to be use globally to help people with similar health challenges.

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