Minnesota recreational marijuana licenses focus of advisory council

On Friday, Minnesota’s Cannabis Advisory Council held its first meeting in an effort to fine-tune the recreational marijuana industry …


  1. Its amazing how important drugs have in peoples lives these days. What a sad society we have become to need a drug escape the realities of life. People work hard for their money, blow it on this fake illusion and end up in the same or worse financial condition they are in and then have the audacity to say they are not moving forward in their lives and complain about it. This is what the liberals call progressive.

  2. What once was a human right for thousands of years became a legally required crop for every farmer during the early years of our republic. Then, as alcohol prohibition ended, special interests (forestry, paper, brewing & distillers) lobbied Congress to make it illegal, and, in concert with Yellow Journalism (Randolf Hearst's newspapers) where a string of articles portrayed marijuana as something lazy Mexican laborers did which would subvert The American Way (erasing our history of George Washington writing in his diary that one of his finest pleasures was smoking hemp on his veranda in the evening). As the American model of imposing taxes on alcohol allowed the upper 15% to shift the costs of government onto the poor, and mass incarceration became the new Jim Crow (prison slave labor and law enforcement justifying it's saleries) keeping weed illegal became baked into our government, even after the AMA published on their website it could cure certain cancers (they were forced to remove that after just eighteen hours by several gov agencies).

    Now they can only see it as something to tax, and regulate. When will we be free? It's not something I want to do, but, partly because I can't afford it anymore. Now it'll be legal, but only for well paid yuppies with disposable income. "The New Deal," is dead, the rich have lobbied to reduce their taxes and no longer re-invest into their companies – government has become a corrupt poker game of big pharma, the military industrial complex and corporate programing (media consolidation to just six companies). We need to stop electing Democrats AND Republicans. Weed and alcohol shouldn't be regulated OR taxed, and recreational drugs WITHOUT Fentanyl should be legally available. Until we do we will never be able to have the hard conversations of, "Is this what we want to do; does it work or is it just making things kind of okay?"

  3. That’s right let’s have more idiots running around after smoking that shit! Such a brilliant idea! Of course I’m being sarcastic. If you want to catch a buzz why don’t you just drink a few beers, It’s a hell of a lot less damaging Than marijuana, Talk to any physician. You people are so stupid, And the weed makes you stupider.

  4. Who's on this advisory council and how much are they going to be paid? I am guessing it will be some crony garbage like California's Industrial Homeless Complex.

  5. There's people from the Hemp industry with a prominent brand name in Minnesota looking to lobby for ridiculous restrictions like they did with Hemp edibles over the last year. 50mg limits and the ridiculous price they command comes to you truly from one specific company in this state. They're the company who didn't know the Minnesota state bird is the Loon. I'm from Wisconsin and even I knew that. If people don't push to their local law makers over this you can expect the same availability and prices as we've had for the last year or so. Nobody will even want to spend money on the legal market here and other neighboring states will make all the revenue.

  6. I said it before the ONLY reason why the State Government would legalize pot, and THC is to license and tax it. This tax will be like an alcohol sin tax. If you're not licensed to sell pot, guess what you could be fined selling it.

  7. More strigent policies need to be in place for recreational use. The smell of weed is everywhere, and many people now not only driving drunk but drunk and high. You can smell the horrid skunk piss smell rolling out of cars and on peoples clothes. Not everyone can tolerate the smell for respiratory and allergy reasons.

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