"My Dog Is Trans" ..Yes, They've Gotten That Crazy.

This is a clip from the full podcast which can be found here: • Blaire’s Main Youtube channel: …


  1. Ironically, they’re DICTATING the dogs on who they are, and not the dogs themselves.

    They would go mental if someone else dictated their pronouns and called them something they don’t prefer.

  2. Isn’t it funny how black peoples whine and cry about the Jim Crow laws yet here we are in 2024 and they are literally trying to segregate races. Black peoples aren’t “safe” around white people…. Ok! Lmao!

  3. This is it guys. We’re officially going back in evolution … losing out intelligence instead of growing out of bullshit. No, nowadays we INVENT BULLSHIT!!! 🥲 I just can’t … when did reality become a psychosis

  4. My sister called me transphobic one because i had no idea that one of our friends considered themself a he. That's was my first time hearing of trans people. And it didn't help all the teachers called him a she/her.

  5. I have been saying that we’re in purgatory since about 2015 when the Trump vs Hillary campaigns started going on! 😮 I’m glad you agree with me!

  6. I bet that person feeds their dog vegan too. Plenty of male dogs don’t lift, especially if they had a pediatric neuter. A lot of time with some dogs lifting is a learned trait. They won’t grow out of squatting if they live in an apartment with a fake turf potty pad on the balcony lmfao

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