1. We have tried and tried all the regular meds and supplements, milk thistle, keppra, potassium bromide, mct oil, and cbd oil comes once he is adjusted on this. Change of food, eliminating food triggers. Big Pharma did this to our healthy dog. 3-in-1 heartworm plus the other combined bullshit meds did this. Our emergency vet told us to report it to the folks that track medications injuries, and she sees it a lot. Fitz now has a neurologist, an Emergency vet, and a GP we soon will replace with a holistic vet as his regular vet is soon retiring. He has had cluster Grand Mal seizures, totally conscious, since November. Between seizures, he is frantic, ripping up the house, monster eating machine, eating even my blender. We can no longer leave the house together, as he needs to be babysat 24/7, and Rocky is up at night when the dog is. He can't be crated because of the seizures. Rocky will have to miss my mother's funeral back East because Fitz can't go to a kennel. We have almost given up. But this is the last med to try. We are not giving up and we deep dive research daily.

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