The New York of East Africa | Nairobi, Kenya

Explore the vibrant city of Nairobi, Kenya in this weekly vlog! From the Maasai Market to the Giraffe Centre, you won’t believe the …


  1. My home town ! I’m glad someone from the US has good things to say about Kenya ! I live in the US and I’ve come across folks who say we don’t even have houses in Africa .

  2. Kaka next time just say pole pole means slow slow and they will slow the motorcycle down😂😂😂😂. Now I just close my eye until the ride ends😂😂😂

  3. I am so glad you have someone to stick up for you with the hair situation. Most of the time when we arrive there is no one so you get taken advantage of.

  4. Welcome to Kenya 🇰🇪 Karibu!!
    ❤❤❤❤love the video!!
    you seemed sooo comfortable using the nduthi (motorcycle) I couldn’t even do that when I visit my home country 😂😂
    Next time you need hair (braids) or whatever done go to a place called Umoja market.. it’s cheaper😊

  5. Great video guys. It would be great if you did another one that showed the "wallstreet" Nairobi angle. We are a major financial capital with all the requisite skyscrapers and futuristic buildings etc.Nairobi is a great place for our African American brothers and sisters to come and invest not only in retail but also in large businesses.

  6. I’m from NYC and lived in Kenya 5 years and this brings back memories. I love that you figured out how to explore Nairobi and enjoy it. The one thing I tell visitors to Nairobi and much of Kenya is to not compare and have an empty mind. If you just accept and explore, you will have a great time. Nairobi is a driving city and to make the best of things you have to drive. There are other places like Lavington, Karen, Gigiri, so many things to do. Also maybe spend a weekend in Nakuru to either golf or go to the National Park to Safari. One of the best experiences. While driving to Nakuru you will get to see the Rift Valley which is absolutely spectacular. I’m so jealous 😂

  7. We're not the New York or London of anything
    We're simply Nairobi the green city under the sun.

    Thank you for visiting and putting your experience on YouTube

  8. Josh made the vlog more interesting 😁❤️ Thanks to your hosts for taking you around. Those Kenyatta market women are so wrong for hiking the prices, they did it to me and a certain girl yet we're Kenyans but we left before braiding once we realized. Otherwise, Karibu Kenya anytime.

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